After a slow start, the pace quickens considerably and productively But we’re in the lull between eclipses, so taking time for introspection is advised before making major decisions.
On Monday, the Moon in chatty and mentally active Gemini encounters Saturn early in the day, moving difficult conversations to the fore. By day’s end, it interfaces with exuberant Jupiter, helping us regain mobility, momentum and optimism.
Tuesday and Wednesday sees mental Mercury in the last days of its stay in the home sign of Virgo. It sequentially interacts with three of the solar system’s heavy hitters, making these days primetime for i…. First, on Tuesday it trines ingenious Uranus, turbocharging our ability to find creative solutions and think way outside the box. Early Wednesday, though, the winged messenger opposes Neptune. This aspect ordinarily would cause us to doubt our perceptions and ideas. This time it soon moves on to trine insightful Pluto in the inventive sign of Aquarius, making these two days a rare time for bringing long-held dreams to reality.
Meanwhile, the waning quarter Moon in Cancer brings all the feels. These are great days to work from home or hurry the commute so you can spend more time being domestic. Inding more time to nest and indulge in self-care can bring the balance we all crave in Libra season.
On Thursday, September 26, Mercury leaves pragmatic Virgo behind to slip into something Libra. Until October 13, we’ll be more focused on creating beauty and harmony in our communications. This diplomatic sign helps us to say the right thing at the right time, and to listen with the intent to understanding other points of view. This placement can also help us to negotiate fair and equitable deals with grace. Meanwhile the Moon, still in Cancer, makes alliances with the planets Mercury visited previously, helping us to make use of the previous revelations in a way that also brings emotional gratification.
The Moon is in creative and romantic Leo on Friday. Finding love or appreciation may be difficult, though, as it squares Venus in complicated Scorpio. An off-kilter aspect to Jupiter late in the day may prompt us to take impetuous action in the name of gaining attention or romance, which will not be productive.
On Saturday, the heart-focused Leo Moon moves on to make nice with Jupiter in easy-going and sociable Gemini. It’s a great day to get together with friends and loved ones. Especially if they are children or young at heart. Erratic energy prevails in the evening, though. If we’ve been crowding someone with our attentions, they may let us know abruptly or even make a break.
Sunday dawns with Luna moving into sensible and industrious Virgo. It makes a cooperative aspect with love goddess Venus, smoothing the way in romantic and creative endeavours. At the same time, the Sun and Mercury in Libra conjunct the south node in that sign encourage us to realize out deepest needs in relationships. As well, active Mars is trining Saturn, helping us to have the courage of both our convictions and our emotions.
