A powerful undertow could pull us into murky waters this week. But if we keep our wits, we can navigate in style. And “all’s well that ends well” with buoyant trends on tap for the weekend.
The week gets off to a slow start with the Moon in placid Taurus on Monday, October 5. With Venus making a quirky aspect to Jupiter, we may be tempted to jump to conclusions when it come to two of that sign’s fave preoccupations, love and money.
For the next two days, culminating on Wednesday at 4:55 pm ET when mental Mercury in probing Scorpio opposes innovative Uranus. Unexpected news or mixed messages could add to stress levels. If we can roll with it, though, some brilliantly creative and transformative thinking could result.
Relationships are under fire on Thursday. Venus in perfectionist Virgo makes an itchy inconjunct to asteroid Chiron. If you find yourself being particularly thin-skinned in the face of any criticism, real or implied, it may be pointing to what needs healing in the rapport. But the love goddess also makes a volatile minor aspect to Pluto, breeding distrust and jumping to (possibly wrong) conclusions.
For most of the week, we’ll feel the undercurrents of fiery Mars in Aries squaring off with power-monger Pluto, exact at 9:09 am ET on Friday, October 9. This is the second time it has done so this year. Mars is already hampered by retrograde motion, which impedes all our drive, ambition, assertion and physical energy levels. Whenever it takes on Pluto, a firestorm can erupt as those prone to throwing their weight around try to gain the advantage. We can easily overreact when others oppose us, too.
This week it is best to remain vigilant about personal safety as well. Drive defensively as other drivers can be erratic and aggressive. And on public transit or in public spaces remain vigilant for those who might act up.
The very next day, Saturday, a lovely Venus-Uranus trine beams good vibes on us. This is a time when there could be an exciting development in the love life or financial situation—but in a very good way. When you least expect it, an amazing person or deal could appear, seemingly out of nowhere.
Sunday is a great day to make amends if you lost your temper under the Mars-Pluto square, or any other time for that matter. The Sun in people-pleaser Libra makes an uncomfortable quincunx to Neptune. This aspect prompt us to seek total harmony at whatever cost and more inclined to shoulder any blame. At the same time, sol squares Jupiter, so our efforts when it comes to romance or a creative project could be inflated out of proportion.
