Give peace a chance—a once-revolutionary idea that can gain traction this New Moon week. But making it happen will take some finesse.
It’s best to lie low and take a “whatever” approach for the first two days of the week. Monday’s scenario begins with a Moon-Uranus trine that treats early risers to a burst of creativity and fresh perspective. By afternoon, we seek escape from too-harsh reality, favouring a artistic project or yoga session.
Luna lurches into Libra on Tuesday. Mercury in the same sign gets into a tangle with Neptune. Much as we want to be clear with others, obfuscation abounds in communications of all sorts. With Mercury still retrograde all week, it might take more work than usual to ensure the messages we’re sending are clearly understood—and vice versa.
On Wednesday, October 6, the annual New Moon in Libra occurs at 7:05 am EDT. Each year, it focuses our attention on relationships, with a partner and other significant people in our lives. New Moons always present an opportunity to turn over a new leaf and this one calls for radical action.
Or does it? It forms a quincunx, 150-degree angle, with revolutionary Uranus. Surprising events may make it hard to maintain equilibrium. We may be keenly aware that sweeping reforms are necessary, but stuck in damned-if-I-do-damned-if-I-don’t scenarios. This can be powerfully inventive energy, but only if we are willing to adjust and compromise.
The Sun and Moon also tightly conjoin action-planet Mars, also in Libra. Usually, this sign is big on finesse and diplomacy. But the red planet adds impatience and urgency. Budding romances could burn white-hot now. Adrenaline junkies might turn that urge towards more creative pursuits. Or maybe it’s time to fight for fairness and justice. Or to set stronger boundaries with grace and diplomacy, Libra’s strong suits.
Also on Wednesday, Pluto awakes from a long retrograde nap since April 27. Long-buried secrets and facts can now come to light. Or, the veil will be lifted on our deepest, darkest fears. Important and empowering insight is possible for some.
Speaking of the depths of the psyche, the Moon enters closeness-seeking Scorpio. But on the same day, love goddess Venus bounds into Sagittarius until November 5. Shared ideals and viewpoints will take on new importance in relationships and long-distance rapports have more appeal. On Friday, an early shakeup could rattle us, but the Moon forms excellent aspects afterward to achieve greater depth and harmony with others.
The mood shifts on the holiday weekend, when the Moon joins Venus in gregarious and active Sagittarius. Big travel plans are in the works! With retro Mercury conjoining Mars, there could be unforeseen delays or snafus, but the Moon helps us lean into greater spontaneity. It also helps lift our spirits and puts everyone in celebration mode. We wind down by Sunday evening when any overindulgence may catch up with us. Or, we just need a little restorative me-time.
