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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: October 10-16, 2022

A Mercury shift brings balance and positivity back to our lives, a chance to catch a breath before eclipse season begins.

On Monday, October 10, now-direct Mercury returns to harmony-seeking Libra. During the recent retrograde (September 9 to October 2), we may have been too caught up in details to see the forest for the trees. Or quick to criticize ourselves and others. For the next 3 weeks, the way we express ourselves centres around being fair and creating win-win situations. And adding some creative flair to all communications. And this week in particular is great to schedule important negotiations before pre-eclipse intensity sets in next week.

Tuesday begins with a fractious quincunx between the Sun, also in gracious Libra, and rabble-rousing Uranus. But by the end of the day it trines conscientious Saturn, helping us get focused and be productive. Mercury applies to oppose Jupiter, revving us up just when we should be calming down. And with action-star Mars growing close to squaring enervating Neptune, we may feel like there simply isn’t enough gas in the tank. Best remedy: refuel with a little extra self-care.

Whenever Mars meets up with spiritual Neptune, it can trigger a deep connection to your intuitive core when implementing enterprising plans. And helps to transform strained ties through love, warmth and compassion. The Mars-Neptune clash could also bring shysters and fast-talkers out of the woodwork. Be extra careful of slick sales pitches. And those increasingly hard to spot phishing emails. And sleep may be elusive in the wee hours of Wednesday, as that aspect culminates. But the rest of the day the Moon in sensible Taurus helps us get back on track.

On Thursday, October 13, Luna has entered mentally active and chatty Gemini. Venus comes under fire early in the day, which could indicate words misquoted or misunderstood lie at the heart of any relationship problems. As soon as the end of day, she moves on to trine Saturn, bringing clarity and patience to resolve any issue.

Circle Friday as a great time for getting together with friends or more-thans. And for any brainstorming sessions or creative projects. The Moon in Gemini makes lovely aspects all day. Optimal time: between 1:30 and 3 pm ET when the Moon, Saturn and Venus form a grand trine in air signs. Inclusivity and tolerance are easy to come by then.

Home is where are hearts lie on Saturday, as Luna snuggles up in the sign of Cancer. Gatherings will be lively as it applies to square Jupiter mid-afternoon. Just watch a tendency to overdo everything. A very lazy Sunday is on tap as the Sun makes a quincunx with Neptune, triggering some of Tuesday’s enervation. Come evening, an enlivening lunar sextile with Uranus improves our mood and helps us look forward with optimism and contentment.

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