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  • Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: November 21-27, 2022

Release the hounds! The start of Sagittarius season and Jupiter in forward motion unleash greater activity, hope and optimism.

The Sun spends a final day in somber Scorpio on Monday, with the Moon joining it midday. But chatty Mercury and convivial Venus meet up the same day, bringing a wide-ranging and inclusive sense of bonhomie. And in romance, meeting someone or taking a relationship to the next level could happen spontaneously.

On Tuesday, November 22, the Sun charges into exuberant, horizon- widening Sagittarius. For the next four weeks, we’re ready to charge into new experiences. And maybe hit the road or mingle with people from other cultures and lifestyles. We may put the travel agent back on speed dial or at least dream about great escapes to far-off climes. And with the right attitude, even a trip to the corner store can feel like an adventure.

Sagittarius is the sign of philosophy, freedom and telling it like it is—sometimes way too bluntly. But it can also give us the knowledge that no matter how tough life may seem at the moment, we can land on our feet. And that luck and abundance come because you’re open to them and willing to take a risk now and then.

All of the above kicks officially into high gear on Wednesday at 5:57 pm ET with the New Moon in Sagittarius. Because just three minutes after that time, worldly Jupiter—the ruling planet of Sagittarius—shifts from a four-month retrograde. All New Moons are potent days for manifesting….and this one is particularly laden with potential for success. It’s not too early to set some intentions for 2023!

By Friday, we may have found ourselves suffering aftereffects of another Sagittarian proclivity: overdoing it. Whether in food or drink, or just burning the candle at both ends, we could hit the wall by afternoon. By evening, though Luna enters Capricorn’s lair, bringing a less exuberant trend.

It continues its journey in that sign on Saturday, November 26. It’s a good time to tend to practical matters. and since the only aspect it makes until later in the day is to inventive Uranus, we can easily find the creative solution to a practical problem.

A Moon-Pluto conjunction early on Sunday can help us focus on achieving an important goal. But our emotions are too intense and possibly dark for comfort. And a puckish Mercury-Uranus inconjunct tends to monkey-wrench the day’s schedule. But a nice lunar sextile to Jupiter late in the day helps us gain perspective and keep a sense of humour.

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