There’s plenty of drama to spice the scenario this week. Meanwhile, Friday’s lunar eclipse urges us to go behind the scenes and check our real motivation.
The week gets off to a bang when the Sun in intense Scorpio squares expansive Jupiter. We have a sense of being made for bigger, better things. But what? A Moon in go-getter Aries puts us hot on the trail.
We’re still keenly on the case on Tuesday. The Sun then sextiles deep-diving Pluto, helping us go where we previously feared to tread. The Moon squares Pluto mid-day, then goes void of course. We may need to retreat and get a few things straight before we take any action.
Speaking of action, on Wednesday, November 17, Mars in determined Scorpio then opposes unpredictable Uranus in Taurus. Expect the unexpected! When in this sign, the red planet likes to strategize and have all its chess pieces in order before making a move. But Uranus likes to throw a monkey wrench and make us improvise.
Tempers can flare, seemingly with no provocation. The inner tension can trigger accidents, too, if we’re not hypervigilant. Best use of the energy: identify which situation or relationship must change, but take no drastic action now. But do draw up a plan!
On Friday, eclipse season begins at 3:57 am EST with a dramatic Full Blood Noon in Taurus. It marks the beginning of a two-year cycle in which the Taurus-Scorpio signs are activated. Which means a whole lotta shaking in areas like earned income v. investments, sensuality v. sexuality, status quo v. evolution. Eclipses bring a pause, a chance to go beyond appearances.
This one is especially potent for creative change. Been dragging your heels about embracing a new reality? Now could be the time you begin to lean in and make happen. A square to visionary Jupiter helps us to not only see the bigger picture, but know where we stand in it and might best contribute to it.
Also on Friday, love-goddess Venus in Capricorn makes a flowing trine with innovative Uranus. This further ups the ante on creative change, especially when it comes to romance, finances or creativity. Both are level-headed signs, so innovation can also be grounded in reality.
The Moon moves into gregarious and chatty Gemini a weekend stay. This is also a sign that likes to move around, so we may propose the get-together be anywhere but home. With Mercury also making good aspects, conversations can be enlightening and inspiring.
At 9:34 pm EST on Sunday, November 21, the Sun leaves Scorpio’s deep waters for a ride in Sagittarius. This ingress typically unleashes that holiday feeling, as Sag likes nothing more than a good time. Time to plan get-togethers, especially with a multicultural guest list. There could be a trip in your future, either to the mall for shopping or hitting the road as far away restrictions and your risk tolerance will allow.
