Ready, charge! The week brings an injection of electric energy, spring fever on steroids, even as we’re still processing and integrating the lessons of the last week’s Scorpio lunar eclipse.
Monday dawns with the Moon in optimistic Sagittarius but soon squares off with Neptune, casting a web of confusion. Can we really trust our feelings or perceptions?
The fog clears quickly, as by Tuesday Luna moves on to logical, strategic Capricorn. And gets a huge boost from the Sun’s collusion with energizing and galvanizing Uranus. The lunar eclipse calls for something (or someone) to be shed so that true transformation could begin. Today, the way may lie clear and take the form of a quantum leap!
But please remember to look first, because it takes place in sensible, usually stable Taurus. This one wil help you to know that you can take charge of your life, though it may require doing away with the old wys of doing things. This sign rules the habits and patterns that make our lives either productive or stagnant. Which is which? This week the answer may come in a flash. Think outside the box to seek for sustainable solutions.
Early Wednesday, May 10, the Moon continues in the sign of the pugilist, Capricorn. And we may be prone to putting up the dukes as it opposes feisty Mars around midday. Overreaction is easy to come by, but late in the afternoon a sextile to let-it-be Neptune helps bring gentle resolution.
On Thursday, Mars in Cancer is square dwarf planet Eris, Goddess of Discord. Chaos can easily reign, but a cerebral and detached Moon in Aquarius helps us rise above any pettiness. Productive solutions appear later in the day as logical Mercury forms an alliance with Saturn, helping give form to creative impulses, a tendency that carries into the next day.
Mercury is still retrograde, meaning it is not a good time to launch a new venture or sign important agreements. But Friday would be an excellent day to lay groundwork for doing so in the future. Because the planet of communications also sextiles cooperative Venus. Ententes can be reached that have everyone’s best interests at heart. And with Luna in social-minded Aquarius, that applies to group efforts and not just affairs of the heart.
Speaking of which, The weekend astro outlook for romance or just enjoying the company of likeminded people is blissfully fair, as the Moon chills in peace-loving Pisces. And loving Venus in Cancer, the sign of the mother, trines Saturn early Saturday, prompting many to get a jump on tangible expressions of appreciation to maternal figures. Sensitivity and empathy run rampant and in a good way.
The river of positive energy flows through Sunday, so make the most of every opportunity to stop and smell the daffodils. This is also the day when Mercury turns direct, so we can expect a gradual lifting of missteps and confusion in communications.
