Start your engines! Go-getter Mars helps us get revved up and back in the race. But with a super fast pace—careful on the curves!
The week kicks off with the Moon in reflective Pisces. We regain some stability as Mercury retrograde backed into steady, practical Taurus the previous evening. The Sun also in that sign sextile optimistic Jupiter in Pisces helps us believe we can make our dreams come true.
The Moon continues in that sign on Tuesday, making helpful allies along the way. We will have opportunities to expand our vision creatively or spiritually. With Mars winding up its swim in Pisces’ waters for most of the day, though, we may find it hard to implement.
All that changes dramatically in the evening hours of May 24. Action hero Mars enters its home sign of Aries. Our confidence and ability to get it done hit the fast lane while inhibitions and uncertainty are left in the dust. Along for the ride are neglected goals and projects that can now go ahead. And a new competitive spirit carries them over the finish line.
Just keep in mind the real endgame is being the best version of yourself, not taking anyone else down. And do find a physical outlet for all this excess energy, lest it send you spinning out of control. And watch for raging egos and tempers (yours and others).
Hump Day’s only aspect is a flowing trine between mental Mercury and power-player Pluto. Because the communications planet is still retrograde, this aspect might best be used to delve more deeply into motivations and psychological issues and find new ways to express them.
Relationships become complicated, to say the least, on Thursday. The Moon is in me-first Aries, making harsh aspects to both Venus and Pluto. With the latter two squaring off, confrontations are almost inevitable. The big issues are power and control, both in office politics and boudoir boundaries. Patience and listening are good defusing skills. Better yet, defer important discussions until a later date.
The Moon enters peace-loving Taurus on Friday. It makes no aspects until the next day. We thus have a window to enjoy the benevolent beams, an island of calm in which to reorient ourselves. And just take a break. It gains an important ally the next day, May 28, as love-goddess Venus enters Taurus at 10:46 am ET. It helps us find more space in our lives for things that make us feel content and creative. Gardening, crafting, down-home barbecues, these are all the Bull’s jams. So is sybaritic self-care. We have until June 22 to enjoy this chance to stabilize and get real.
Venus may have to take a back set, as the weekend pace is mostly set by Mars, now turbocharged. Exact in the wee hours of Sunday, the fiery planet gets a fuel injection from optimistic Jupiter. Take everything written above about Mars in Aries—then multiply to the nth degree! Time to explore the power of positivity and go for your dreams!
