A busy week lies ahead, one in which both our ambitions and sense of adventure get a boost. But with eclipse uncertainty lurking in the background, how far should we take it?
The Moon zips into versatile Gemini on Monday, teaming up with mental Mercury newly entered the same sign. The intellect synapses are firing on all cylinders! And we’re able to multitask with aplomb.
On the same day, love goddess Venus bolts into impulsive and passionate Aries. This can fire a desire for new relationships and creative projects. And both can start in an instant then either triumph or fizzle just as fast. And it’s not a placement that encourages cooperation, either. A mindful self-interest is the best way to go. Self care, anyone?
On Tuesday, generous Jupiter makes a helpful aspect to empowering Pluto. This is an excellent time to set your ambitions on widescreen, even IMAX. The sky really can be the limit, but don’t resort to any ruthless tactics to achieve it.
Plus, on Wednesday, “the 4th is with us” as action planet Mars aligns with inventive Uranus in Taurus. With vision aligning with practical execution, a project others see as impractical could get a big assist. Or, we may find an outside-the-box way of doing things that improves future efficiency or sustainability. And we can manipulate with such finesses the other person is unaware it happened.
The freedom impulse is an irresistible force on Thursday, thanks to the Sun entering Uranus’ air space. If you’ve been dragging your heels about making a change, this one could blast you out of the rut. Or if there is any situation in which you must stand up and stand out, this one can help give the courage to do you and damn the consequences. At the very least, you’ll want to change up the routine, with an emphasis on hedonistic pursuits.
Friday turns our thoughts to love, as Mercury and Venus align. A social setting is conducive, as neither is in a shrinking violet sign. A tender Moon in homebody Cancer will also ensure we make sure the folks back home know we care, too.
The Moon is in romantic ad pleasure-loving Leo on the weekend. Saturday’s aspects are stellar for seeing a really big show or concert. And it’s an outstanding date night if you can resist blowing the budget to show off for your intended. Grand expressions tend to be on point, though. Not so on Sunday, when they may fall decidedly flat, probably because you overdid it or sprang a surprise on the wrong person.
