Ready for launch! Intentions set during last week’s New Moon get the all-clear as optimism soars in advance of the luckiest day of the year.
New Moons are optimal for setting intentions, and last week’s in Taurus was the final one happening while Jupiter (luck, opportunity, abundance) is in the same sign. Which means the giant planet will send good beams until May 17, making this a high-powered week. Best strategy: set intentions that are simple and down to earth, while still allowing yourself to dream and push the limits beyond what you used to think is possible.
On Monday, though, we may experience a big ‘whoopsie’ and ambitious Sun and radical Uranus hold their annual meeting in Taurus. Carefully considered plans may have to be changed at the last minute, or many little twists and surprises keep us on edge. Both are in Taurus, and we may be tempted to resist at all costs. The results can be a lot of friction and stress. But fortune favours they who can improvise and quickly, and solutions can be ingenious and sustainable.
On Tuesday we get a break from any histrionics, even though the Moon is in theatrical Leo. With the pressure off, we may be excused a little self-indulgence. That impulse could veer into excess late in the afternoon when the Moon squares sybaritic Venus, so plan accordingly.
On Wednesday, May 15, Mercury also enters the Taurus pasture. The planet of communications has been in go-getter Aries since March 9, so we may experience a welcome calming in the areas it rules, which also include our thought processes and the pace of daily life. It will be there until July 3, but this week is especially auspicious for making realistic plans for all our dreams.
Thursday’s agenda is set by diligent Virgo, with the Moon now in that sign. It makes no major aspects all day, leaving a clear slate for organizing, arranging and perhaps some spring cleaning. Work is satisfying now and productive until early evening when our efforts can misfire.
On Friday, an early morning faceoff between messenger Mercury and power-player Pluto can get the day off to a bad start. Both are in fixed signs (Taurus and Aquarius respectively) which can make for a lot of strongly held views and a tendency to defend them to the death. At the same time Mars and Jupiter tangle, making impulse control hard to come by (Take this job and……?) It’s another day when flexibility is the best antidote.
Our priorities shift dramatically on Saturday as the Moon shifts into relationship-minded Libra. on the same day, love-goddess Venus rendezvouses with unexpected Uranus. Expect the unexpected and be prepared to give others lots of space. The unattached can experience love at first sight, and social gatherings can electric.
If part of a duo (in private or professional life) the commitment may be challenged. For those stuck in a rut, this influence can help shake things up. The trick is to do it without one party just bolting because they feel restricted or misunderstood. Sometimes shaking up the routine—a spontaneous getaway with your partner—is all it takes to provide a safety valve for this volatile energy.
Saturday also marks the annual conjunction of the magnificent Sun and boundless Jupiter. Lights, camera, energy, optimism! We’re ready to shine our light and to grow beyond what we once thought possible. Happening in sensible Taurus, we can now expand the limits without unnecessary risk. Some astrologers call it the Day of Miracles, a time when our highest aspirations can be made real. At the very least, we can feel good and positive about the future and ready to share the bounty.
The expanding vision theme continues on Sunday as the Sun moves on to form a helpful sextile to ethereal Neptune. This is a quietly puissant aspect, combining the grounded, practical Taurus Sun’s will with Neptune’s higher calling. This can be a powerful time to manifest a true purpose. Determination is softened with grace, and creative outpourings inspired.
