Time to lighten up and get busy! Motivator Mars FINALLY leaves stodgy Taurus for lively and loquacious Gemini late Wednesday night.
Until then, though, we must navigate feelings of being between a rock and a stuck place. Fortunately, the week begins with the Moon in gracious Libra. It is busy glad-handing other planets, making mostly good aspects. Expect more ease in interactions. And possibly some uplifting conversations.
The mood shifts dramatically mid-afternoon on Tuesday, March 2. The Moon square Pluto in the morning can throw a depth charge into efforts to reach consensus. Luna’s shift to penetrating Scorpio late in the day helps us explore deep emotional truths.
Sleep could prove elusive in the wee hours of Wednesday. With Mars and Moon still in fixed signs, they trigger the disruptive Saturn-Uranus square now waning. We get a replay of issues that arose then around radical reformation of our lives.
Best strategy: apply a balm to your emotions and put your thinking cap on. Because you can tap into an upbeat and inventive Mercury-Jupiter conjunction that culminates the next day. Because of Mercury’s recent retrograde in Aquarius, this is the third and final time the two will facetime in that sign. It can help us bring forward the sparks of genius fired earlier and in plan for a bigger, brighter future.
As Thursday, March 3, dawns we experience Mars shift that occurred the night before. The red planet has been in security-focused Taurus since January 6. This combo usually seeks peace and comfort, but because of interactions with other planets stirred up periods of upheaval and chaos.
Until April 23, Mars will be in busy, curious and mobile Gemini. This can help break up any logjams, those stuck places in your work, financial or love life. And help alleviate pandemic fatigue. This sign is arguably the best at adapting to changing circumstances and coming out on top.
The key is connecting, so reach out. Even the most superficial and distant conversation now can reveal important information and insight. And, since it is now in the sign of the Twins, two heads really are much more productive in business matters, too. Improvisation is an important Gemini strategy as well. Making it up as you go along can reap much better results.
The week ends with the Moon reversing roles. On Friday and Saturday, it is in the fun-loving, adventure-craving sign of Sagittarius. But the Sun and Venus in soulful Pisces dampen the upbeat attitude. And a Venus-Pluto semisquare can lead to being overly trusting or suspicious when it comes to those who are close.
In contrast, on Sunday, March 7, the Moon is in usually dour Capricorn. Yet it makes positive liaisons with both Uranus and Venus. The bosom of your family—both blood ties and folks who feel like—may be surprisingly nurturing and supportive.
