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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: Jun 1 - 7, 2020

It’s kickoff time for eclipse season, sending us down the rabbit hole. To best navigate, lean into uncertainty and cultivate a spirit of adventure.

The week begins with the Moon in fashion-conscious Libra. We may find we spend more time getting primped for the Zoom meetings or want to make an advance appointment for when the hairdresser opens. With the Sun in multi-tasking Gemini making a jittery aspect to Jupiter, we might find it difficult to focus our attention.

“Whom can you trust?” becomes the question of the day on Tuesday, June 2. Luna moves into Scorpio’s wary waters just as love goddess Venus squares off with Mars. Venus retrograding through dualistic Gemini makes us of two minds, while Mars in Pisces adds more confusion. Mind games and passive-aggressive may be rife, or past issues will go from simmer to full boil.

This is not a good time for firm relationship decisions. Yet as soon as Wednesday a light could appear, as the Sun makes a conjunction with Venus. This marks the halfway point in the Venus retrograde cycle and could provide an opportunity for a major refresh. It may illuminate the way out of a relationship impasse. Or, show the correct path in other Venus-ruled areas, like money and creativity.

The first eclipse of the season occurs on Friday, June 5, at 3:12 pm ET. Now in the far-seeing sign of Sagittarius, it is one of a series of three, exceptionally; usually they occur in twos. Every Full Moon marks a high point in the lunar cycle, a time for completions and fulfilment. An eclipse both complicates and intensifies this tendency, and in Sagittarius will focus on foreign travel and other explorations including spiritual, and issues around higher education and teaching, or any activity that broadens our horizons and prepares us to fulfill our true vocation.

This lunar eclipse could helps us make important decisions about our future. But with Mars in unfocused Pisces, we may have to deal with unconscious factors, both our own and others’, before going ahead. In any event, it is best to wait until after eclipse season to make any life-altering decisions or launch major projects.

It’s also easy to lash out when frustrations get the better of us. We may have a repeat of last weekend’s volatile demonstrations in many North American cities this weekend. On Saturday, June 6, the Sun throws gas on the Mars fire. At home, too, tempers could be triggered by thoughtless remarks. It will be difficult to separate fact from fiction, too.

The Moon moving into restrained Capricorn at 3:44 pm ET help to keep things in check. Sunday’s scenario is sweetened by a minor aspect between romance-minded Venus and communicative Mercury. The mood is at once affectionate and supportive, not a bad combination at all.

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