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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: January 31-February 6, 2022

A Lunar New Year in progressive Aquarius helps us build a launch pad for future growth. Blast off could be as soon as next month!

The week kicks off with the Moon in Aquarius in “sleep” mode, becalmed at the very end of the lunar cycle. That is, until late evening, when it awakes with a jolt. The New Moon falls at 12:45 am ET on Tuesday, February 1.

This is an ideal time for any goal or intention-setting ritual. Just jotting them down is fine, too. The sign of the Water Bearer helps us set our future vision on wide scope. The evening before is ideal for emulating the cultures that celebrate the Lunar New year as a time of new beginnings. Take time to clean and declutter, especially around the front door. Think of sweeping out the old and welcoming fresh energy.

Around the time of the New Moon or for up to 24 hours after is prime for composing a list of wishes—up to ten—for the coming cycle. Aquarian issues are: friendships and group associations, social awareness and movements, inventiveness, objectivity, love received. Phrase them as if it is something you have already manifested: “I now find creative solutions to resolve my conflicts at work.”

This New Moon has a mask of Janus feel: one side facing the path ahead, the other gazing backward. That’s because it sets off the Saturn and Uranus square that dominated the astrological weather throughout 2021. Current pandemic-related setbacks may bring you back to a place you do not want to go. And can shake one’s faith in the future.

But next month, the New Moon conjoins Jupiter, setting off a fresh and highly optimistic and dynamic cycle. Be prepared!

For now, we can now dig deep to and begin to not only cope but begin to thrive. Uranus in Taurus assists us in breaking with the past while Saturn in Aquarius helps us to lay a new foundation for our lives inventively and persistently. A new phase is beginning and will grow stronger as the days grow longer. The key is to act with a quality common to both Taurus and Aquarius, namely integrity. To thine own self be true!

A welcome shift occurs on Thursday, February 3, as Mercury ends its retrograde in dynamic and strategic Capricorn. The past three weeks cold have left us snarled in some red tape or misinformation, especially in the corporate or governmental worlds. Any deals or agreements struck may be up for review soon. And though it could take until the 9th to get all systems back on track, we can make excellent progress.

The workweek ends on a highly ambitious note. The Sun exactly conjoins Saturn then, reinforcing the latter’s positive qualities and helping us fulfill responsibilities. At the same time, action-planet Mars makes a productive aspect with optimistic Jupiter. This might be a good time to revisit your wish list or vision board keeping the primary directive of negotiating in mind: “Always ask for more.”

The Moon is in action-oriented Aries for most of the weekend. Early on Saturday, we have more social pursuits top the agenda. Later, we can cross a great number of items off the to-list list. And we won’t have to go it alone, either, if we take the initiative to forge closer bonds. Power plays and general emotional malaise cloud the horizons on Sunday. It’s best to keep it a solo act, lie low and indulge in some self-care.

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