After a dramatic start, a week unfolds with ample opportunity to take a stand, confront if necessary, and claim what’s ours.
All week long we are strongly influenced by a Saturn-Pluto semi-square (45 degree) aspect that culminates on Saturday. It’s part of the larger cycle that marks a significant astrological period that began when these two planets conjoined in Capricorn in January 2020. It initiated a new synodic cycle, a transformative 33-year period that influence both global events and individual lives. This cycle offers all of us an opportunity to gain a clearer understanding of our true source of power (Pluto) and authority (Saturn).
Since May 2024, Saturn and Pluto have been dancing do-si-doing in and out of this aspect. It is a point of tension that demands action, often bringing unresolved issues to the surface and challenging us to take the next step in reclaiming our sense of empowerment. It can make even small decisions or actions feel critical.
We likely will feel it strongly the first two days of the week. First, on Monday the Sun semi-squares Saturn, which can trigger feelings of being held back or restricted. We may feel we are alone in these feelings, just as the Moon in Libra yarns for connection and balance.
On Tuesday, the Sun in Aquarius collides with Pluto, triggering the Sun semi-square Saturn aspect. Ambition, passion and possibly dominance are the watchwords. It can help us stand up for ourselves, while the Water Bearer influence urges us to fight for the common good. Secrets may be revealed. Once the Moon enters deep Scorpio waters midday, we’re more ready to take the plunge.
Luna continues to make its way in the same sign on Wednesday. Along the way it forges a favourable alliance with Saturn, indicating that if we make the effort to go beneath the surface and be strategic, we can make excellent progress. This is a good day to make concrete plans and set priorities.
On Thursday, January 23, mental Mercury in Capricorn opposes feisty Mars retrograde in Cancer. Expressing truths we hold self evident may trigger emotional and possibly irrational responses in others. But inventive Uranus is also onside, presenting creative solutions. This is a great time for inspired thinking that helps build long-term security.
The Moon moves into buoyant and active Sagittarius on Friday, setting the stage for an exuberant start to the weekend. On Saturday, Mercury makes a tense aspect to Jupiter, which may prompt us to over or double-book. Conversations and friendly debates will be lively. Just don’t be surprised if many facts are distorted or exaggerated to make a point. As well, the relationship planets, Venus and Mars, form a harmonious trine. This makes it an auspicious time for personal relationships and creative self-expression. Exchanges between loved ones flow easily. The outlook is supportive and promising for those looking to find new love or rekindle an existing one, too.
The good times roll on into Sunday. The mood will shift, though, with Moon’s ingress into practical and ambitious Capricorn. It’s also a family-oriented sign, and fortunately Venus in Pisces makes a nice aspect to Uranus, auguring many pleasant surprises and sweet support coming from unlikely sources. Mercury also sextiles mystical Neptune, so this could be an inspired day for spiritual contemplation or artistic pursuits.
