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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: February 6-12, 2023

All systems go! Having passed the electrifying Full Moon in Leo our ambitions are revved, with Mars in multi-tasking Gemini supercharging our progress and no retrograde planets to block our progress.

Not that it seems like it early Monday. Saturn raises a reality checkpoint for the ebullient Leo Moon. Are you ready to launch that new creative, more fulfilling mission? Time to ask yourself some hard questions. Mercury-sextile Neptune helps us find answers aligned with our highest purpose.

On Tuesday, Luna enters practical Virgo, helping us get back to business. But late afternoon, it tangles with Mars. Frustration of a misunderstanding could erupt. And we’d be wise not to overdo the multitasking. Easing the way is softly soothing Venus in Pisces making nice with surprising Uranus in Taurus. A spontaneous romantic is in store for some. Others might channel the energy into creative thinking or an art project.

The good news: the rose-coloured haze continues into the next day, Wednesday. And the Moon in Virgo is less distracted, helping us cross things off the to-do list. And reminding us to take a break when we can to regroup our energies.

Thursday, February 9, brings a lunar shift into the social sign of Libra. We’ll want to reach our and schedule a tete-a-tete or two that day. Later is better, as a querulous Mercury-Mars minor aspect can mar the morning hours with minor conflicts that come out of the blue.

Mercury is on the move heading into the weekend. On Friday, the messenger planet make the third and final conjunctions with implacable Pluto. Both planets have been in the same sign, Capricorn, since early December. Which has meant some very serious and strategic thinking. If you need to make a power play, your persuasive talents will not let you down. And could even help claim new territory, status or a project, or a raise. The downside is that this dour sign could spark a bit of self-analysis that will wallow on the dark side.

But a new light could shine as soon as Saturday when Mercury moves into genius thinker Aquarius. Collaboration is where it’s at for the next 19 days, until March 2. Inventive ideas and solutions are easier to access, especially as part of a team. We’re also more open-minded under this influence. The downside: intellectual arrogance can rear it’s unattractive head if we’re not careful. And on this day, with the Moon entering Scorpio early in the afternoon, we could encounter folks who hang onto an opinion for dear life and won’t give an inch.

Sunday could be a day of unrest, as the highly emotional Moon clashes with Mars early in the afternoon. Disputes can break out over the most inconsequential of things. Later in the day, it opposes Uranus, making us restless and tempted to force a breakthrough, be it in a relationship, project or self-realization. A better approach might be to just let it be and find a safety valve by doing something spontaneous and fulfilling and that feeds the soul.

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