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  • Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: February 3 - 9, 2020

The day for hearts and flowers is far away, but our thoughts turn sentimental in the leadup to the most romantic Full Moon of the year.

Monday, February 3, kicks off with a chatty Moon in Gemini. Just when its ruler, communications-minded Mercury, drifts into Pisces’ poetic waters for a two-month stay. Gone is the Spock-like logic of Aquarius, replaced with a knowledge that images speak so much louder than worlds. And that EQ trumps IQ if you really want to make your point.

Pisces has a lot to do with the subconscious and creative forces. It is also highly receptive, making efforts to forge a stronger spiritual connection and achieve greater illumination. So this is a good time to make a verbal or artistic outpouring of that which is buried deep in the subconscious. Endpoint: healing and transcendence.

It is also optimal for making peace with the past and amends with those we’ve wronged.Illusion or delusion? That is the big question. Mercury here can help us reclaim our vision of an ideal life or love. But it can also cause us to be disillusioned if we project our vision to something or someone who can’t live up to the dream.

Mercury is also slowing down preliminary to going retrograde next week. So start now to double or triple check all communications.

The Moon enters sensitive Cancer on Wednesday afternoon ET. On the same day, a helpful sextile between Mercury and Uranus means innovative solutions could appear, possibly as a dream while napping. It’s an optimal day for heart-to-heart discussions with family or someone close.

On Friday, February 7, Venus tires of having to play nice in Pisces and charges into fire-sign Aries. The heat is on, blazing hot at times, until March 4. And taking has more appeal than giving. There is no subtlety now in affairs of the heart. Approaches are direct, and feelings can run hot or cold, no middle ground. New relationships can be sudden and hormone-driven. If handled properly, it’s great for injecting some sizzle in an existing rapport gone flat. Think spontaneous.

Sunday at 2:33 am EST marks the Full Moon in Leo. Get ready to strut your stuff! All such lunations involve an opposition, here with the Sun in Aquarius. Both signs crave attention and want to make a mark (and not just on the ‘Gram).

And a Full Moon always marks a time of fullness or completeness. So this is a great time to bring any issues or projects to a head, especially those that have to do with leadership or creativity. Or to gain greater awareness about same.

Aquarius and Leo also are all about love: Leo with one significant other, Aquarius of humanity. This lunation can help us balance both.

The big question now: How does your unique light contribute to the brilliance of the greater whole?

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