Jingle all the way! An active and expressive Full Moon week lies ahead.
Holiday overwhelm is a real danger on Monday, though. The Moon in business-like Taurus conjuncts erratic Uranus early in the day. It moves on to square downer Saturn in the evening, bringing up old fears and doubts.
Speaking of business, on Tuesday begins with mental Mercury squaring no-holds-barred Jupiter in Pisces. Do dream big, but try to keep on toe on terra firma. By evening, the winged planet moves into ambitious Capricorn. We might be making some returns on the impulse buys during the previous cycle. And don’t wait to set up resolutions for the New Year. This placement can help you get a leg up on the competition in 2023. But with Mercury spinning retrograde from December 29 to January 18, that period is best for reviewing and refining your Big Picture goals.
Words matter more than ever on Wednesday, December 7. The Full Moon in Gemini at 11:08 pm ET impels us to express our hearts’ desires. And can bring not only clarity about the way forward, but the impetus to head out on the road.
The need to say, write, post otherwise articulate may be overwhelming. And our schedule full of busy-ness with no real sense of progress.. And with feisty, active Mars involved, feelings of anger are easily triggered, causing us to shoot from the lip—and regret it later. Since that planet is still retrograde, issues from the past may need to be revisited. And in the sign of the Twins, a new partnership could be forged with an old acquaintance. It’s also the sign of mobility, so ways to improve or streamline your commute may appear.
Luna spends Thursday in Gemini, but early on squares Neptune. It may be difficult to get a handle on our true feelings. Later, it tangles with both Venus and Jupiter, which make an exact square the next day. We might overdo it with the celebrations or spending—or both. Or make an effusive romantic declaration we may later regret. When it comes to love and desire, we’ve got rose-coloured glasses on. Which can make us extra gullible, and prone to click first, ask questions later.
By the time Saturday dawns, the love goddess will have shifted into no-nonsense Capricorn, where it stays until January 2. It’s time to be strategic in achieving financial or romantic goals. Our relationship focus tends to shift towards family and those who are like. This is a downer position for Venus, but can also help us stay down to earth and build something real and meaningful for the future.
All weekend long, the Moon basks in Cancer, its home sign. Which is where our hearts will be. Warm and cozy are the watchwords; it’s an optimal time to enjoy good times with loved ones.
