Deck those halls! Light the lights! Joyful, creative and illuminating aspects infuse the holiday week scenario.
On Tuesday, December 24, the Sun makes a free-flowing trine aspect to spontaneous and unconventional Uranus. Ditch Christmas dinner for a Festivus celebration or drumming circle? Both celestial orbs are in earth signs, so likely traditional celebrations will win out. But ideas and actions abound for making them uber unique and original (and Instagram-worthy).
On Wednesday, a Moon in by-the-book Capricorn makes mostly nice aspects. Among them, it highlights the Jupiter-Uranus trine of December 15. It might be worth taking a few minutes to review what new vision opened up then, and making notes on your vision board or in the bullet journal.
December 26 at 12:13 am ET marks the annual New Moon in Capricorn, this time made highly significant because it is a solar eclipse. It falls in the sign that has a lot to do with our profession or sense of calling. Are your deeds matching your highest aspirations and empowering you?
In the weeks ahead, we may be asked to walk the talk when it comes to our desire to take it to the next level in the area of our lives affected by Capricorn concentration. This sign also often asks for a sacrifice; what old patterns, relationships, ideas or possessions might you need to let go? You could see the light now. It will also help us root out and overcome any fears we have around failure and success, or about maturity and taking responsibility.
Aspirational Jupiter is involved, helping us to set our sights higher—no, higher! It might also tempt us to rely on luck or gloss over important details. This eclipse also asks that we back it up with commitment and long-term planning.
It also turns up the volume on the energies of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, also in Capricorn. If these planets are activating points in your chart, you will feel this one more intensely.
“Change your mind, change your universe.”
On Saturday, December 28, we begin to test the theory as cerebral Mercury enters results-oriented Capricorn, making for an unprecedented five planets in the sign at once. In its previous journey through fire sign Sagittarius, thoughts came rapid-fire and often were snuffed as quickly as they came. New Years resolutions might be a process that lasts until January 16.
So fun and frolic lie ahead, but it is also the best week of the year to have a think about your goals for the year ahead. Wishing everyone a joyous and mindful solstice season!
