It’s a turning point week, with the winter solstice marking the return of the light, all the more meaningful and dramatic under an intense planetary pall.
The week gets underway with the Moon in expansive and generous Leo. But moody Mars in Scorpio is chafing against restrictions placed on it. Uncomfortable, but we just might take a creative or romantic risk that will pay off.
It’s back to work on Tuesday, December 17, with a multi-tasking Moon in Virgo helping us clear the to-do list. The productive trend continues on Wednesday, with Mars giving a big assist to make it a highly productive day. This is a quarter Moon, so a good time to do an analysis of where are time and energies are best spent in the weeks ahead.
Clouds of confusion roll in on Thursday, thanks to an impending Mercury-Neptune square. We may feel overwhelmed and like the “world is too much with us, late and soon.” Take time, if you can, to just wander, perhaps taking in a holiday light display and letting your mind drift for a while.
On Friday, December 20, love goddess and fashionista Venus enters cool, detached Aquarius. We may want to spend less time with family and more with a group, especially if it is devoted to a humanitarian cause. Or less angsting over money and more on focusing on collective values. This placement gives the ol’ social life a good shot in the arm.
Get-togethers can be original and exciting, and refresh the mind and spirit. The excitement and freedom aspects will be especially highlighted on the weekend, when Venus makes a final square to Uranus for 2019. So maybe make your excuses to ditch that family gathering lest you cut some ties that can’t be mended.
Yule or Solstice occurs on Saturday, December 21, at 11:19 pm. One of the four major seasonal changes of the year, it marks the darkest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. After which, like that great avatar of the season Scrooge, we begin to see the light. Also like that character, we may need to go within and make peace with the past in order to move forward.
This also marks the time each year when the Sun moves into Capricorn. Our outer focus turns to our career or calling, responsibilities to and standing in the wider community. But this year the time between the 21st and solar eclipse on the 26th is fraught with extra meaning. Several planets are clustered in Capricorn, a rare event. And it occurs just as January’s life-altering Saturn-Pluto conjunction is approaching exactitude.
Heady stuff. I suggest being aware of any irritability now; it’s likely a sign you need step out for a while. Cut back some social or work commitments then if you can. Embrace the opportunity to enter into the darkness and wait for it to turn. Then celebrate to moment and carry it forward.
Wishing you all joy and peace and light!
