Ho ... Oh no! A festive mood runs through the week, but expect a big dip in energy midweek as Neptune drains the gas from the tank.
We can cross a lot off the to-do list on Monday, thanks to the Sun making a productive sextile to can-do Saturn. It’s a good time to plan your week and get any routine tasks off the plate. And with the generous Leo Moon making mostly good aspects, it’s a great time to express ourselves and to socialize as well.
The trend carries into the next morning when a Moon-Saturn opposition helps us to focus and set priorities. Also a good time to reach out to people with influence who can help us realize our ambitions.
By Wednesday, though, the exuberant Sun in Sagittarius becomes mired by enervating Neptune in Pisces. It’s easy to veer into overwhelm then, or to just feel like the well is running dry as we try to keep up with the fast pace of pre-holiday life. We may find some people around us are unreliable or even underhanded. And we are not inclined to confront or raise a ruckus. If so, perhaps take stock of where you may have been too trusting and vow to take off the rose-cololured glasses next time.
It's also a good time for inner reflection, to see if your ambitions are in alignment with your highest ideals. Extra self care is recommended, too. Best outlets now: time spent regaining your composure or centre and contacting the divine through meditation or other practice. Going with a new artistic flow also might be highly rewarding.
Bright ideas may awaken us early on Thursday, as the Moon trines thinker Mercury before moving on to also trine inventive Uranus before noon. Creative solutions are easy to come by, as is outside-the-box thinking. But with Mars still retrograde, new plans may be hard to implement.
By evening, Mercury forms a tense quincunx with Mars. Any difficult or potentially explosive conversations are best left for another day lest they escalate. The Moon is still in industrious Virgo for the first half of Friday, helping keep our noses to the grindstone. By mid-afternoon it opposes party-loving Jupiter then moves into sociable Libra; we’re more than willing to knock off work early.
The Moon makes many aspects all weekend long, alternating between harmonious and stressful. Still in social butterfly and relationship-minded Libra, it’s a good time to plan outings and projects a deux. Just know that fleeting squalls could break out; ride them out and enjoy the ride. And like the rest of the week, it’s best to not try to take on too much work, social commitments, chores, whatever.
The bright spot is Saturday’s inventive trine between Mercury and Uranus. This will give us the mental clarity and ingenuity to brainstorm just about anything. It’s also an optimal time to set intentions for the New Year. Especially since Mercury will be retrograde later this month.
