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  • Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: August 8-14, 2022

This (r)evolutionary Full Moon week urges us to not only see the light, but embrace and act on what it illuminates.

Who or what do I need to let go of? appears to be the question on Tuesday. A tender and clingy Venus in Cancer is opposed by cold and implacable Pluto. We may feel alone and like no one is interested in meeting our needs. It’s easy to get caught up in old feelings of loss, even abandonment. Oppositions can bring awareness; maybe it’s time to let go—and for good.

The theme continues on Wednesday until midday, as the Moon joins Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. This is an excellent day to get to the root of any problems and to step up and take responsibility for past lapses. But with the Sun in demonstrative Leo square the nodal axis, the tendency to over-dramatize any situation is intense.

Speaking of drama, love goddess Venus begins to strut through Leo on Thursday. The planet of love and pleasure is now in a sign that revels in both! Time to make it a summer of love, if not romance then of activities and people who make your heart sing. And do stop hiding backstage and take the spotlight, perhaps in a smashing new diva or divo-worthy outfit. Think you’re not creative? You have until September 5 to explore new opportunities to prove yourself wrong.

Also on Thursday, emotional extremes reach an operatic crescendo with the Full Moon in Aquarius at 9:36 pm ET square rabble-rouser Uranus. This brings to a head a time of great instability. Like me, you might have trouble sleeping, or be restless and irritable for no reason. You may feel impatient and unfocused, too.

Full Moons are about awareness, and this one is particularly potent. For closely aligned are both Saturn and Uranus, recalling their long-term clash for most of 2021. We may see a replay of the themes of sudden change butting heads with harsh restriction. Unless, of course, we’ve learned the lessons and made the necessary changes.

We might get word that the inner revolution is here. Remember the new reality you were supposed to embrace? Maybe it’s time to lean in. Or to devote yourself to a higher cause than just trying to get by. If there was any area where you resisted or tried to sweep under the rug, you may get a less-than-gentle reminder from the Universe. Leo (Sun) and Aquarius (Moon) issues that might arise: love given versus received, ego versus collective. Mars is involved this time around, indicating that action is both required and rewarded.

Like a thunderstorm after a heat spell, relief comes on Friday afternoon, as Luna drifts into Pisces’ tranquil waters at 2:44 pm ET. We’ll find it easy to go with the flow, as long as it leads to a chance to relax and enjoy life.

The soothing vibes carry into Saturday, giving us time to get our balance from recent upheaval. By Sunday, though, we’re of two minds. On the one hand, the Sun opposing somber Saturn urges us to get serious and perhaps put in some overtime or tackle the to-do list. But the Moon moves into spunky Aries at 4:43 pm, bringing back our zest for life. It also makes nice with love-goddess Venus. Think social and spontaneous, even if you have to work Monday.

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