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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: August 12-18, 2024

Looking at this week’s planetary lineup reminds me of a classic standup comedy routine by the late, great Bob Newhart. In it, a school bus driver instructor teaches recruits a technique to set hapless passengers spinning. Which involves rapid-fire alternation of accelerator and brake.


This week will feel much like that, thanks to action-star Mars’ forging alliances with both gung-ho Jupiter and hold-on-there Saturn. Wheels are being set in motion ahead of the momentous Full Moon on the 19th that coincides with the conjunction of the two titans.


On Wednesday, August 14, Mars exactly conjoins giant Jupiter, usually a very upbeat and gung-ho aspect. Mars is all about action, and it is now in the mentally nimble sign of Gemini. Jupiter is all about expansion and optimism. They make an ingenious twosome with boundless confidence in communications and connections.


The first two days of the workweek we may feel more of the Jupiter side of this teaming up. We may chafe on Monday, as the Moon is in Scorpio, usually a time when we prefer to be deliberate and strategic. On Tuesday, Luna enters Sagittarius, and we’ll be more than ready to veer into the fast lane.  And to perhaps be a little pushy with our ideas and ideals. And to want it to be a case of all talk and action at the same time.


The Moon is still in the sign of the opinionated Archer on Wednesday. But an uncomfortable aspect to Pluto reminds us that Mercury is still in retrograde motion. The usual advice during these regularly occurring three-week periods is to avoid making important decisions, signing contracts or initiating new endeavours. This advice goes double (or maybe triple) during this month’s hotspot from the 14th to Full Moon on the 19th.


On Thursday, we will feel the effects of Mars’ square to Saturn, exact in the wee hours of Friday. Which throws up a roadblock. Saturn is all about caution, listening to authority and being deliberate—things spontaneous, rule-bending Mars in Gemini chafes at. Adding to the confusion, Saturn is in soulful Pisces, wo we may experience some heart vs head or moral dilemmas. So these days may be especially difficult as we feel if not completely thwarted at least like we’re driving with the brakes on.



On Friday and Saturday, the Moon is in serious and responsible Capricorn, a sign that gets along well with Saturn. Luna makes largely good alliances, helping us to make the most of the energizing Mars aspect. For while it can lead to a lot of friction, if we use the energy wisely, it can be a very dynamic time in which we can accomplish a great deal. But also one that can lead to frustration and delays if we try to go too far too fast.


On Sunday, the Moon will have moved into unconventional Aquarius. at the same time Mercury (thinking) will square Uranus (surprise, ingenuity). Excitement crackles in the air with tomorrow’s impending Full Moon. Even though rash decisions tempt, lie low. It’s a good day to change up the usual routine in lieu of something creative and inspiring. Or perhaps make up an excuse to avoid a social commitment, as minor acts of rebellion feel particularly freeing now.


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