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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: April 27-May 3, 2020

‘Slow down, you move too fast, You got to make the morning last…” The old Simon & Garfunkle song seems apt this week.

Mercury is the newsmaker on Monday, April 27, as it settles into placid and earthy Taurus. Until May 11, we’ll be less concerned with speedy communications, more into tangible expressions. Do you really NEED to schedule so many Zoom meetings? or be less than 3 feet from any device?

Until May 11, the planet that rules our mental processes is in the slow lane, setting limits to our screen time and seek offline pursuits. We'll still want to tease our brains, but might prefer jigsaw or pencil-and-paper puzzles. Merc in this sensible and sensual sign also wants tangible results. So organizing the closets or pantry might actually be fun.

It's also a good time to honour the fact that brains need downtime, too. like the feeling you get during long walks in nature or a spot of gardening, if only a window box of bulbs. we might spend less time watching cooking videos, more time actually baking.

We will be acutely aware of the disconnect between being online and the need for tangible contact on Tuesday. A Mercury-Saturn square triggers a strong desire to roll up the metaphorical sleeves and have at the paperwork. Frustration and misunderstandings can arise, as Taurus is a sign that likes to resist anything new. Use this energy to set limits on your newsfeed; weed out the Debbie Downers and hysterical lunatic fringe, both of whom seem to be more vocal of late.

Never one to let grass grow between the toes, the winged messenger flies on to merge with innovative Uranus on Thursday, April 30. This once a year meetup provides a chance to take quantum leaps in our learning and communications. And in creativity, especially if focused in the digital world. Even the most technologically challenged Luddite can get with the program and surprise you. Or, you’ll dazzle yourself with some new way to get your message across.

Friday marks the traditional springtime festival of Beltane. At the midpoint of the spring equinox and summer solstice. Venus in Gemini is slowing down this week, which may give us pause in relationships. The Moon in ‘what about me?” Leo that day and the one previous makes us more prone to extravagant romantic gestures. Added to that, we’re under the spell of a Venus-Neptune square, exact on Sunday, May 3. Rose-coloured glasses are the accessory of choice for lovers—stylish, but not conducive to clear sight.

We’re also more prone to take on the role of either rescuer or sacrifice in close relationships. It’s not a good time to make a commitment in either love or money, as we choose impulse over substance.

Luna rides to the rescue, as it shifts into more restrained and practical Virgo for the weekend. It provides a stabilizing influence on Saturday, though may be overridden on Sunday. The latter is wonderful time to explore new creative avenues or indulge in a marathon binge-watch session. Or just, as the song goes on to say, ‘lookin’ for fun and feeling groovy.’

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