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Weekly Horoscope: April 26-May 2, 2021

Writer's picture: Susan KellySusan Kelly

Everything is coming up rosy…or is it? Monday’s Full Pink Moon brings feelings of being between a rock and a hard place to a head. Then we get the all-clear to cultivate a brighter future.

As the week begins, Luna still languishes in Libra, where it makes an optimistic trine to Jupiter before going offline. This is also a Supermoon, in exact fullness at 11:32 pm ET on April 26, shining brighter because it is closer to earth than usual. This even though it has made the plunge into Scorpio’s deep waters earlier in the day.

Should he/she/it go, or should they stay? And how much territory am I willing to cede or energy expend to keep a person or situation in my life? The answer, even if unclear for a very long time, can shine like crystal now.

This lunation occurs in what are known as fixed signs: Sun in I-hate-change Taurus opposing Moon in intense and transformative Scorpio. They trigger the fraught Saturn-Uranus square that dominates the first half of 2021. All to say that inner tensions can be at an all-time high now.

The Moon in Scorpio throws a laser beam on our true feelings, including past trauma, and issues like boundaries, intimacy and security. It also brings a challenge, though. For to truly transform, we must first not only acknowledge but release old fears and obsessions along with a need to control.

This could be the time we finally release our resistance to change and embrace the emerging new reality. The Sun conjoins Uranus, both in Taurus. This sign is all about security, financial, physical, emotional.

With Venus and Mercury singing backup in the same sign, we may now realize that true security lies within. And if we make that our own secret garden and cultivate it, we can achieve the peace and joy we seek.

The future may not look so bright as Tuesday dawns. But the Moon does move on to oppose first Venus and then Mercury. With Pluto also stationing, we may be hard pressed to keep pleasures or conversations on the light side.

Midday on Wednesday, April 28, Luna charges into exuberant and optimistic Sagittarius. Uneasy aspects to first Mars and then the Sun can mean our progress is thwarted by someone’s neediness or insecurity. Hang tight, because the next day the Moon finds helpful allies. So does Mercury, getting a big assist from inspired and poetic Neptune.

Expect the unexpected on Friday, as the staid Sun in Taurus exactly conjoins erratic Uranus. people or events may go out of the way to upset our apple carts. Or, we could find ourselves the instigators of rash, impulsive moves. The trick now is to not go from the frying pan into the fire just for the sense of release.

The Moon is in industrious and get-real Capricorn for most of the weekend. But because it makes mostly positive aspects, should be more easy-going and laid-back than usual. And with love-and-pleasure-minded Venus also sextiling other-worldly Neptune, offer more than one road trip away from the mundane realities of life.

It’s a holiday weekend for some, as those of the Orthodox faith celebrate Easter. For pagans it is Beltane, the midpoint between the spring equinox and summer solstice. It is a festival of fertility, intimating that now is a potent time to focus on new growth in our lives. And to nurture nature in return.


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