Time to downshift and take the slow route, allowing plenty of time to stop and smell the daffodils, as Taurus season comes into bloom.
Taurus season kicks off on Monday. First up, mental Mercury enters the Bull pen, where it will stay until May 4. While in Aries, our synapses were firing on all cylinders, bringing a slew of fresh ideas and more than one snap decision. Now it’s time for deliberation and giving all projects a real-world viability check. For this sign is all about building things that last and are sustainable.
On the same day, the Sun joins the winged planet, plus Venus and Uranus in that sign. Which means that for the next while we can be both practical and creative. And realize that the process—any process—can benefit from such an approach. We’ll also look for ways to add more sensual pleasures to our lives.
But on Monday, a Moon in worry-wart Cancer makes it difficult to trust and believe in a peaceful life. Emotional outbursts and confrontations are possible late in the day if we’re not careful.
Luna shifts to showy Leo at 2:11 am ET on Tuesday, April 20. Throughout the day it makes progressive stressful aspects to all four Taurus planets! Which means any attempts to make any situation all about Numero Uno will meet with resistance, to say the least. Hedonistic impulses may be off the charts, too.
As well, Jupiter in progressive Aquarius makes an uncomfortable alliance with Pluto in Capricorn. We can no longer ignore the new reality emerging from the ashes of 2020. Major adjustments to our world view and almost all preconceptions are needed—but the process is not an easy one.
At the same time, we need to avoid blaming those in power for our own inability to respond proactively. It’s time to go through our closets as a metaphor for our lives and jettison everything that is holding us anchored to a past that simply isn’t working.
On Thursday, the Moon enters earthy Virgo midday. The overall energy is less stressful, and definitely task oriented. Yet, if you have a personal day coming, this would be a good day to take it. For much as we’re willing to roll up our sleeves, a confusing aspect between Mercury and Neptune fogs our conscious minds and makes us more interested in the subconscious side of things. At the same time, Venus in Aquarius squares off with Uranus. we have an overwhelming urge to head far off the beaten path in pursuit of amour, creativity and other earthly delights.
The need for freedom is also strong on Friday, April 23, when the Sun collides with the side-spinning planet. But it is at odds with Mars, which enters cautious, homebody Cancer that morning. Until June 11, security needs will move to the front burner. We’ll also be more prone to take tings too personally and to react without hearing the other side.
Mercury canoodles with Uranus in the wee hours of Saturday, making that day and the one before optimal for inspired ideas. Since they’re both in Taurus, there’s no rush. Take time to enjoy the process, which can provide not only the creative solution but also a pleasurable path toward it.
Get the chores done early on Saturday, when an industrious Moon in Virgo supports your efforts. Even though the Moon then shifts to sociable Libra in the afternoon, it may be hard to find any harmony in most relationships. Venus and Mercury both square off with Saturn early one which can mean we have to many “got-tos” to enjoy ourselves. People from the past can also be demanding.
Sunday’s outlook is brighter once the day gets rolling. Mercury conjoins Venus late in the day, indicating that if we exert some patience we can talk things out, no matter how big the dispute. Our minds and feelings are in perfect synch, focused on Taurean things like art, music and poetry. Or to finally find just the right and beautiful phrasing to express our true feelings for someone.
