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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: April 10-16

A breath of fresh astrological air! We can enjoy light, carefree moments this week, which also holds potential to make some serious hay while the sun shines.

Monday dawns brightly with the Moon in upbeat Sagittarius. If this is a holiday for you, make the most of it! A short trip, the more spontaneous the better, may be in order. So are good times with people you enjoy, even if it’s just the office gang.

On Tuesday, love goddess Venus shifts into the sign of Gemini. This is the sign of friendship and finding twin souls. Good conversation and mental rapport are the entrees into romantic relationships. But for everyone, getting together for a gabfest moves up the agenda for the next four weeks. Written and verbal communications acquire more finesse and grace. It’s also an excellent period for networking and forging new contacts.

The same day brings what some call the Day of Miracles, when the ambitious Sun gets a shot of adrenaline from beneficent Jupiter. This meetup happens once a year, but because Jupiter is now in Aries, it won’t happen again in that sign for 12 years. This is like a booster rocket for our confidence levels. And in a go-getter, entrepreneurial sign, helps us seize the moment. Just don’t get cocky; keep an eye on future consequences and don’t ignore any danger signals.

An early morning upset could occur on Wednesday, as the Moon in back-to-business Capricorn opposes Mars in overly sensitive Cancer. But a lunar trine to Mercury helps us talk things out. And another fortunate contact with Uranus in the evening makes being both productive and inventive a breeze.

Thursday, April 13, kicks off with the Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn squaring the Sun in feisty Aries. We may feel discontent wherever we are and tend to push to hard to achieve our goals. Try to keep a sense of perspective and not shoulder all burdens.

Party plans for Friday may have to be put on hold. Venus in sociable Gemini hits speed bumps thrown down by Saturn in Pisces. People may back out at the last minute due to sheer overwhelm. And it will be hard to sort out the real excuses from the fabricated. It can also be a day when serious decisions must be made in a relationship for financial matter. It may take extra effort to get clear data.

The weekend outlook is mostly sunny, astrologically at least. On Saturday, the Moon in gregarious Aquarius brings back some of Wednesday’s good Sun-Jupiter spirit. It’s an excellent time to share the vibe, the bigger the crowd the better. By Sunday, Luna shifts into more introverted Pisces. Excellent aspects all day make it optimal for mindful pursuits or to take in or practice an art. We can go it alone or find someone on the same wavelength with whom to bond.

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