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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: September 20-26, 2021

An inspirational Full Moon helps us set our vision on wide scope and Libra season begins.

Schedule creative thinking, visualization and projects early in the week. The Full Moon falls on Monday at 7:55 pm EDT, bringing to a head that which was started at the New Moon two weeks ago. And in the final degrees of Pisces, can also help restore our faith in the future.

As all such lunations, it opposes the Sun, still in Virgo. Exceptionally, it favourably aspects depth-minded Pluto. The pandemic ended many conventions and institutions we came to rely on. We can now dig deep to finally let go and process the feelings around loss. And if any further healing is required, now is a good time to acknowledge it and make a plan for self care.

The Moon blazes a new path on Tuesday as it enters Aries. We’re fired up, but do we have anywhere to go? An itchy aspect between the Sun and Uranus further impels us to make decisions first, think them through later—never a good policy.

On Wednesday, September 22, at 3:21 pm ET, the equinox arrives. Nature achieves balance light and dark, and the Sun enters the sign of the Scales, Libra. New agenda items until October 23: cooperate, collaborate, co-create. Pairing up is the way to go now, and we can access new reserves of diplomacy and tact. Which benefits all relationships, new and existing.

None of which may be apparent right away. Because on the same day, Mercury in diplomatic Libra squares off with Pluto. Our words and writings may come off as more forceful than we intended. And people in charge may quash our best ideas, which can lead to frustration and anger. Or, our attempts to reason with people fall flat because they are more interested in being right than negotiating.

Something’s gotta give on Thursday when love goddess Venus opposes erratic Uranus. For people in a committed relationship, it could mean one partner has had enough. Or, a professional association will end. In either case, it will only happen if one person is blind to the deeper needs of the other, especially around issues of freedom and trust.

Groups and creative projects may also experience shakeups that ultimately lead to a new more exciting dynamic. The same themes carry over into Friday, but with more efforts towards conciliation as the Moon now abides in tranquil Taurus. By Saturday, September 25, we’re more focused on to-do lists and other practical concerns. A productive Mars-Saturn trine ensures we can get the mental lifting done as well as the physical.

On Sunday, the Moon moves into sociable and chatty Gemini, aligning beautifully with the Sun, Mars and Saturn. We can choose to get a lot of work done or just hang out and enjoy the good life. But with Mercury at a halt and preparing to go retrograde, it’s best to focus on things you’ve been putting off for a long time. And to postpone any major agreements or purchases.

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