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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope - September 16-22, 2019

Between a rock and a stuck place? No worries; a couple of major astrological fronts get the ball rolling this week. The trick is to get unstuck without coming unglued.

Results-oriented Saturn turns direct on Wednesday, September 18, after five months in retrograde 29 during which our ambitions and plans hit orange cones at every turn. But the mighty ringed planet will take time to get in gear. If there are any loose ends to tie up, this is a great week to do so.

This stalled Saturn energy is optimal for conducting an inner audit, taking time to review and refine. While you’re at it, you might:

• Set a bigger dream or goal • Stop comparing yourself to others and do your own thing • Hold yourself to a higher standard • Eliminate self-defeating or negative thinking • Leave the past behind and build for the future • Draw up a long-term action plan

When direct, the sign of Capricorn favours those who are willing to roll up their sleeves and pitch in. Circle Thursday, when a powerful alliance between action-oriented Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn ups our self-confidence and self-assertion. This combo also is good for digging up background info on the competition and launching strategic plans. And gives the courage to take actions that will lead to lasting change.

The weekend outlook is generally sunny, but raining in our hearts. Because on Saturday, September 21, overly optimistic Jupiter clashes with nebulous Neptune for the final time this year. This brings to a climax issues we may have been dealing with for much of 2019 and that may have come to light in a dramatic way with last week’s Full Moon.

To repeat what I wrote about this important aspect then: The Jupiter-Neptune square brings a clash of Sagittarian and Piscean issues: fantasy v. reality, bold risks v. indolence, spiritual truth v. religious dogma, self aggrandizement v. humility, and so on.

Best use: Both signs are big on improv, quickly reacting to change. Let down your shield of scepticism and be open to suggestion; the trick is to not be swept away. Stop procrastinating and take a calculated risk. And, if necessary, face up to any addictive or self-defeating patterns.

To avoid: Mindless gut actions and reactions, over-gullibility, taking on too much too quickly, or using intuitive insights to wound rather than heal.

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