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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: September 14-20, 2020

We’re looking for escape clauses as the week begins. But with a New Moon looming, we’d be wise to buckle down, clean up and get ready for a highly positive cycle.

The urge to play hooky is overwhelming on Monday, September 14, a feeling that will carry over to the next day. Which is when fervent Venus in Leo squares off with spontaneous Uranus in Taurus. We’re restless and eager to forge new connections and break free of confining ones. Expect the unexpected in love and finances!

This one ramps up our self-indulgent side and our passions. It also helps us realize that these days boundaries in relationships are not retaining walls but rather something moveable. Emotions need a larger-than-life expression. So do creative impulses, one of the most positive ways to use this energy.

Wednesday should be a quiet day, as it is the lull before the next day’s lunation. But luna is in busy, can’t-let-it-rest Virgo, so we change at any inactivity but somehow can’t get much done.

On Thursday, September 17, at 7:00 am ET the Virgo energy doubles down with a New Moon in that sign. It happens every year, and like all such lunations provides a “do-over,”a kick-start to a fresh 28-day cycle. But this one is notable for providing positive outlets and solutions to challenges posed by outside forces. In the home stretch to 2021, the Capricorn concentration of planets calls upon us all to complete an old way of being, something that may require profound realization of deeper needs and creating entirely new structures.

This New Moon forms a highly favourable alliance with the Cap cabal. The Virgo ability to analyze, rearrange and roll up the sleeves and get ‘er done acts as a kind of cosmic executive assistant. Because Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are involved, it could turbocharge our goals and aspirations but help us find practical solutions.

With mostly earth signs are involved, this is an excellent time to attend to not only career and financial security but health and wellbeing. The trick is to avoid the Virgo habit of over-thinking and worrying rather than acting. Especially with a wide and irritating quincunx to Mars also in play. Mercury as ruler of Virgo is also important to the scenario. It forms a confusing aspect to Neptune, further clouding our ability to make firm decisions and make them stick.

The weekend gets off to an energetic start as the Moon in peace-loving Libra opposes fiery Mars in Aries on Saturday morning. It shifts into Scorpio mid-afternoon, quenching the flames but perhaps only driving tension underground. It’s best to talk it out, though, because on Sunday, September 20, mental and communicative Mercury clashes with depth-charged Pluto. Even the lightest of conversations can suddenly take on new meaning in a day devoted to profound emotions. Edit all words before speaking or posting, as they could have negative ramifications down the line.

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