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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: October 14-20, 2019

The stakes seem high as the week begins. A power play or two may be inevitable. But if we can take the long view and keep in mind that our thoughts create our realities, a highly creative and productive week lies ahead.

A square from the Sun in Libra to Pluto in Capricorn perfects in the early am on Monday, October 14. Holiday celebrations can bring out the knives, with a little infighting, bickering and backstage manipulation for dessert. We tend to read things into all scenarios that just aren’t there. On the other hand, if we’ve been glossing over hard truths for some time, this may be the time we are forced to face them.

Fortunately, the Moon enters patient and understanding Taurus a little past noon ET, helping us focus on thing in life that are simple and good, sharing a meal and some laughs, enjoying nature’s beauty, and so forth.

Our perception shifts dramatically on Tuesday. A flowing trine from mental Mercury in penetrating Scorpio and all-is-one Neptune helps our imaginations and compassion take wing. Intuition is a surer guide than pure intellect now. We are able to tune into complex emotions and express them with an eye to reaching a higher truth.

Hump Day (Wednesday) brings the last of three aspects between Jupiter and Pluto (a semi-sextile, to be technical). All year these two planets have been running on parallel tracks. They’re now forced to live together—and they don’t like it. Jupiter is in its home sign of exuberant and optimistic Sagittarius, while Pluto is in for a long-term stay in dour, cautious Capricorn.

We may have to make some philosophical adjustments to how we react to power. Our preconceptions of what is correct or ethical simply don’t work anymore. On the other hand, might does not make right, nor does doing something mindlessly in the name of material or professional gain.

The nesting instinct is strong on Saturday, October 19. The Moon in domestic goddess Cancer keeps us close to home and those who are near and dear. A helpful sextile from Mercury to Pluto can help reveal the deeper meaning of our thoughts and feelings in a way that furthers communication.

Another sextile, this on quite grounding occurs on Sunday, this time between love goddess Venus and patient Saturn. It’s a good time to create more stable conditions in all relationships as well as our finances. A rewarding commitment may be at hand.

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