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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: November 22-28, 2021

We feel stuck in a holding pattern as the week begins, but by mid-week are ready for liftoff!

On “Moon Day” (Monday; the days of the week are all named after celestial bodies), Luna resides in her own sign of Cancer, which ups any tendencies to take things too personally. And we’ll have to work extra hard to avoid any blues associated with the first workday of the week.

We reclaim some mojo on Tuesday, as the Moon forms useful alliances with both Mars and Neptune. Which means we can take energetic and positive, even inspired, action. The Sun conjoins the south node in Sagittarius, though, so we may have to contend with self-righteous or overly opiniated people.

The big shift comes on Wednesday, November 24. Mercury leaves Scorpio’s deep and brooding waters to enter ultimate-optimist Sagittarius. We’re now less secretive and strategic, more open and open-minded. And thinking a lot about travel and expanding our experiences, if not actually hitting the road. It’s a fire sign, too, so impassioned discussions lie ahead until December 13. This sign likes to tell it like it is (in its universe), to shoot from the lip and ask questions later. So be careful where you aim those arrows of truth.

On Thursday, be glad it is not Thanksgiving Day, as it is in the US. On that day, the dramatic and attention-seeking Moon in Leo opposes aloof, higher-minded Saturn in Aquarius, and both clash with Uranus. The drama potential is high, the listening and conceding energy low, a trend that continues into the next day.

On Saturday, November 27, the Moon enters workaholic Virgo, so some of us will be clearing the Inbox then. Or, making up lists and getting organized, the sign’s specialty, for the holidays ahead. It’s also the midpoint between the lunar eclipse of November 19 and the coming solar eclipse on December 4. In many ways, these two celestial events provide a window into the energies that will prevail in 2022. Important questions to ask ourselves: Is there anything I still need to let go of so I can move into a brighter future? Or have I been over-zealous with the purging of people and projects? Do I need to reclaim and old dream or vision of the future? Or set my sights on something much higher and better?

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