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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: November 2-8, 2020

La luna shifts into mentally agile Gemini in the wee hours of Monday, November 2. This should help with clearing any mental fog generated by adapting to the switch from daylight savings time. And make us more chatty and sociable, especially with an amiable Moon-Venus trine prevailing.

On Tuesday, the planet of communications, Mercury, stalls as it prepares to resume forward motion. It has created a lot of confusion in that area since October 13, particularly in our relationships. Now in the late degrees of Libra, we may be reassessing a close rapport or business alliance. Until November 9, it makes a tight square to the get-real Capricorn heavy hitter planets.

The Mercury-Saturn square does not bode well for the US election. The winged messenger was also stationing in Libra on Election Day 2000 with the infamous “hanging chads” and Al Gore’s eventual loss to Bush. All to say the mess on that day that many were predicting could be worse than expected. And a clear winner may not be declared for some time with accusations of fraud and cheating running rampant.

We can take a deep breath on Wednesday as the Moon drifts void of course most of the day before entering Cancer’s waters late in the afternoon. A VOC Moon acts much like a retrograde Mercury, and with that planet still stalled it is best to avoid making any major decisions or signing important documents.

The Moon lingers in this sensitive sign on Thursday and Friday, which may make us more easily seduced by the downside of the Mercury-Saturn aspect. Misunderstandings can arise because we are more prone to seeing the negative side of situations and people. But this aspect also favours buckling down with mental work and planning, even if you must go it alone.

The weekend cosmic agenda is free from major planetary activity. Which provides another breathing space and places more emphasis on lunar movements. On Saturday, November 7, Luna shines brightly in playful and theatrical Leo helping us summon some sunny optimism. It aspects Uranus in the early evening ET, which can make us seek attention in a non-productive way. Best outlet: Jump in on an online painting class or yoga class at the last minute, or indulge in some other recreational or artistic pursuit, the more spontaneous the better.

The Moon hits the three-quarter stage of its monthly orbit on Sunday. What came to a head on last week’s Full Moon? It’s also a good time to think about what you want to accomplish before next week, when a New Moon pushes the reset button.

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