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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: March 28-April 3, 2022

A New Moon in Aries brings a fresh start and kicks off the astrological New Year.

We’re ready to get real in relationships and tell it like it is this week. On Monday, we’re thinking long-term but also willing to take a progressive approach to achieve our heart’s desires. All thanks to a conjunction of love-goddess Venus and stern Saturn, both in forward-looking Aquarius. we can also find creative solutions to long-standing practical issues like where to live, bringing up the kids or managing finances. Make sure to write them down, though.

A theme of innovation and inspiration continues midweek. The Moon has moved into emotional and intuitive Pisces. It makes a productive sextile to Uranus late on Tuesday, then aspects Jupiter and Neptune, both in the sign of the Fish, on Wednesday. It will be easier to maintain or reclaim our faith. And suggests that using the right hemisphere of our brains could yield the best ideas, even a Eureka! moment.

On Thursday, Luna charges into dynamic, bring-it Aries and gives a foretaste of Friday’s New Moon in that sign at 2:24 am ET. No fooling; this lunation can get you off the couch and onto a new path—and, since it is in the least-patient sign, very quickly. At the very least, this is a power time to set intentions and goals for the week ahead. Or use this energetic kick start—it is the astrological New Year—and make resolutions for the next 12 months.

Aries energy gives us the courage to pioneer and move forward with enthusiasm, a major burst of energy. And to use the self-centred quality to discover new sides of yourself. With the planet Mercury, which has to do with communications and thinking, closely conjunct, our synapses will be firing on all cylinders. Don’t forget to record some of your bright ideas, because under this sign they can fly from your mind as quickly as they came.

The ruler, Mars, is conjunct Saturn in the New Moon, though, bringing a strong sense of driving with the brake on. When Mars is conjunct Saturn sometimes we are altogether stopped in our tracks or hit a wall of our fears. We will chafe at restrictions, including social distancing and masks. But if instead of giving into frustration, doubling down and working hard (Saturn) we can prove an almost unstoppable force. In the sign of Aquarius, it is is best to temper some of the me-me-me of Aries with concern for humanity and the greater social good.

The weekend outlook is more tranquil once the Moon moves into self-indulgent Taurus in the early afternoon. Mostly good aspects prevail And with the Sun exactly conjoining Mercury that day, verbal exchanges will be lively. Leave lots of room in the schedule all weekend for spontaneous socializing and short trips. Because spring fever is likely in the air.

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