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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: March 16-22, 2020

An intense week lies ahead, with government officials (Saturn) taking even more extreme measures (Pluto) to counteract the pandemic.

With the swift-moving events and hype comes a war of nerves. But there is also hope and humanity as we seek new ways of connecting and supporting one another.

NOTE: I will soon post a report on the astrology of COVID-19, with the full version distributed to my mailing list. Do sign up, if you haven’t already.

The full implications of “social distancing” hit home on Monday, March 16. The Moon is in globetrotting and adventurous Sagittarius, and so we chafe at current travel restrictions.

Expressive Mercury, which rules our one-on-one interactions and mobility, goes back into Pisces. Communications tend to be more confusing than usual under this transit. And shysters can emerge, taking advantage of the confusion. Seek only info from sources with sound credentials, major news and governmental outlets, for instance. Frequent updates posted here:

Fear can be a virus under Mercury in Pisces. Up your psychic immune system by strengthening your faith and interacting with compassion. Already, i find a flood of healing words and images on my feed.

It's a good time to reach out to those who may be suffering during the isolation, such as seniors and people with mobility problems. Time to prove we can meet heart-to-heart, even with limited or no physical closeness.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Moon in Capricorn triggers the gang-up of planets that are behind the outbreak. On a personal level, this is a good time to heed the call, to step up and embrace our personal responsibilities towards ourselves, loved ones and society as a whole during this crisis. To resist: Giving into fear and pessimism.

Thursday, March 19, marks both the spring equinox and the astrological New Year. Normally, the Sun’s entry into the gang-buster exuberant sign of Aries is one to look forward to. It symbolizes new shoots thrusting forth from the seeds planted earlier, of life that will not be denied. We usually get the urge to grab life by the horns now.

But this year it is muted, as we are in the dark phase leading up to next week’s New Moon. The big challenge now: how to instigate and initiate responsibly. We have needs and they must be met, but we also have a responsibility to those around us. That being said, I think there will be many around us who give into self-centred impulse, and we should be extra vigilant because of it.

On Friday, Mars (Aries champion) conjuncts big-thinking Jupiter. We’re fired up and full of enthusiasm, but frustration over current restricted movements might get the better of us. Best outlet: set your sights on a future with no limits. This businesslike sign can also help us get our personal ambitions back on track. And employ famous Capricornian patience to wait for the perfect time to set the plan in motion.

The Moon enters gentle sign of Pisces on Saturday, March 21. If ever there were a weekend to lavish ourselves and our loved ones with some extra care, this is it! Home spa day, anyone? Private yoga retreat? Or, taking extra long walks in the fresh air, dreaming of balmier days to come.

On the same day, Saturn leaves its home turf of Capricorn, blasting off into future-minded and socially aware Aquarius. Already we feel it, as the ringed planet brings an obligation and Aquarius rules virtual interactions—many of us are being forced to work and socialize at a distance!

Much more about the significance of this transit in a separate post.

Our mantra for the week might come from US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt: “The only thing we have to fear is...fear itself.”

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