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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: June 29-July 5, 2020

It’s real and it’s on. Temperatures and emotions run high this week, with a final eclipse (for now) and mashup of two major planetary players.

On Monday, the peace-loving Libra Moon is overshadowed by a looming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction the next day at 1:46 am ET. This is the second time the two heavy hitters will meet up this year; the first was on April 4. They are both retrograde and in Capricorn, the sign that has to do with governments and large corporations and institutions.

We are also in between eclipses, always a good time for introspection, bad for taking action. This conjunction week can propel us to look deeper at our own structures (Capricorn) with an eye to expanding some (Jupiter) and renovating others (Pluto). Retrogrades have to do with things in the rear-view mirror. What past achievements might now be leveraged into something new and major? We may find we want to move an old skill or investment into the front seat.

Speaking of retrograde, on Wednesday, Saturn re-enters its home sign of Capricorn after a 3-month run in Aquarius. We now have until mid-December to create the kind of real structures that will help us not only survive but thrive in the new normal. The going gets easier when it goes direct at the end of September.

The third and final Jupiter-Pluto conjunction will occur on November 12. And this configuration features highly in the pandemic scenario. As I write this, we see that places that tried to open up too quickly are experiencing a rise in new infections. The symbolism of this pairing is “dramatic breakthrough or breakdown.” Either could occur by the end of the year, but it might be wiser to err on the side of caution in our long-term planning.

Creative thinking is also highlighted on Tuesday, June 30. The Sun and Mercury, now retrograde, meet up in soulful Cancer. This is an excellent day to reflect on insights gained during the solar eclipse in that sign on the 21st. What is really important to us now? What connections and activities form the platform from which we operate? Which make us feel alive yet also safe and secure? A sextile to innovative Uranus could bring flashes of brilliance.

Thursday and Friday are relatively quiescent in the leadup to the eclipse. A Moon in active Sagittarius then urges us to seek relief from inner tensions through physical exercise. Time spend out of doors or with pets also helpful now.

The Capricorn partial lunar eclipse occurs on Saturday, July 4, at 12:48 am ET. It makes a highly innovative and helpful sextile to outside-the-box Uranus. As well, the Sun is aligned with the fixed star Sirius, which the Egyptians called “the scorcher.” It can fire our worldly ambitions and status, and may promise a lick of luck, fortune and fame—but is hard to handle.

At the opposite end, the Moon in Capricorn is conjunct Ascella and Nunki, both optimistic and free-thinking stars associated with friendship. Time to look beyond the barbecue and to whom we want to have around us going forward.

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