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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: June 24-30, 2024

Cosmic gears are shifting, and while life won’t grind to a standstill it will at least slow down enough for us to catch our breath. And there will be many opportunities to both get clear and make some plans and kick back and enjoy life.


Throughout this final week of June, we will feel the effects of the impending Saturn retrograde, from Saturday, June 29, until November 15 through the deep seas of Pisces. We may get hints of a changed pace or focus now that will provide important clues about what the coming months will bring. Saturn is the planet of getting real and taking responsibility, and we may now have to find an issue from the past resurfacing. Tangible results may be more difficult to realize, forcing us to slow down. We can also go more deeply within to divine our true intentions and take actions more aligned with our greatest desires.


The Moon is in individualistic Aquarius as the week begins. All is mostly well, except that it snags around the supper hour both days. On Monday, Luna then squares off with feisty Mars, perhaps prompting us to take a stubborn stand about an unreasonable opinion. On Tuesday, a late-day square to erratic Uranus could upset a few apple carts.


On Wednesday, June 26, the Moon enters Pisces’ tranquil and intuitive waters. She forms mostly favourable alliances along the way. Come evening, she trysts with Venus inspiring romantic intentions. As well, communicator Mercury in sentimental Cancer trines Saturn, also in Pisces, helping us express compassion and our tenderest feelings with ease.


The good vibes continue throughout Thursday as Luna continues to wend her way through the sign of the Fish.  She bumps into Saturn late morning, helping us to focus and get some work done. Intuition can help us be in the right place at the right time. A favourable aspect to Mercury benefits meetings and missives, and a contact to Uranus come evening brings pleasant surprises. In all, two very harmonious days.


The pace quickens on Friday as the Moon enters feisty Aries. We’re able to shift quickly and with purpose early in the day, though later on we may experience some stress as we try to clear the desk and get the weekend underway. Fortunately, love goddess Venus is making nice with warrior Mars in the wee hours of the next day. So all evening is optimal for dating and romance, though all relationships can benefit from the benefic beams, and for indulging in pleasurable pursuits.


Luna is still in can-do Aries on Saturday. But with action-star Mars making an uncomfortable aspect to enervating Neptune, and Saturn at a standstill, our efforts seem to be fruitless. Our energy levels may be very low, and if we try to force anything, we’ll only meet with frustration. Meanwhile, mental clarity and inspiration are possible thanks to a Mercury-Uranus sextile.


On Sunday, the Moon moves into Taurus more peaceful pasture. The morning could hold a power struggle as she grapples with Pluto. The danger is fleeing, though, and the rest of the day holds plenty of opportunity to enjoy the Bull’s lead and enjoy life’s simple pleasures: good food, good company, good times.


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