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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: June 21-27, 2021

Get out and shine! There is so much to celebrate this Full Moon week, as just last night (June 20 at 11:32 pm EDT) the Sun cozied up to the sign of Cancer, marking the summer solstice.

The next four weeks will be chock-a-block with reunions as friends and family gather. It all begins this Monday with the Moon in Scorpio making a grand trine with Venus in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces. This radiant influence casts bountiful beams on everything it touches, casting a nurturing and healing warmth.

Nesting instincts are at their zenith now, too. You may now see the light as to what could be done to make your home and garden true havens. Comfort, sentiment and coziness (think lots of throw pillows and a family photo wall) will overrule Instagram-worthy spare spaces. Let your creativity flow; it could provide much-needed emotional outlets.

Already this cosmic liftoff seems to have fired rapid reopening measures across the continent. But wait! There is a catch: Much of the decisions about travel and safety were made with Mercury still in retrograde motion. And in the sign of information overload, Gemini. Other cosmic factors also point to possible overconfidence now. All to say that tempting as it is to run and jump in the green zone pool, we might be wise to proceed with caution now.

On Tuesday, June 22, Mercury finally shifts gears. It will take another week to really get rolling. But mental clarity and effective communications are coming soon. We’ll also be able to go ahead with long-shelved projects and sign contracts with confidence. If you must do so before the end of the month, read the fine print twice and don't skimp on the due diligence.

Speaking of confidence, Wednesday is a banner day for it thanks to ebullient Jupiter. Optimism and joy will be in the air, along with the impulse to pick up the cheque. And if the self esteem has been flagging, it could get a vitamin B shot now. But with Venus in sensitive Cancer opposing implacable Pluto, some power plays can enter our relationships, personal and professional. Suspicion and mistrust can cloud many issues.

Thursday, June 24 is Full Moon day. Luna is in usually dour Capricorn, but thanks to a big assist from Jupiter, sees the way to greater emotional security and fulfilment. The key: putting aside neediness and self-interest and focusing on the best interests of your clan or community. Or, look back to the goals you set around the New Moon on January 13. Ready for launch?

On Friday, nebulous Neptune goes retrograde. Over the months ahead, some will find it easier to cut through confusion and go with the flow. Others may find they must deal with feelings of discouragement or disillusionment.

The weekend social scene could feel like a Broadway opening night chez vous. Venus, planet of the good, the true and the beautiful, takes on the role of divine diva Leo. Until July 21, slouching in sweats is not an option! This cycle ups the ante on glamour and amour, so time to think dressing up and strutting your stuff. “You are fabulous!" becomes the new mirror mantra. A new look might elevate your self-esteem and help you take your dating, social or career life to the next level.

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