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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: June 15-21, 2020

Hit the hammock! Strategic retreat is the best policy this week, with an impending solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde period looming, both in the home-loving sign of Cancer.

NOTE: Around solar eclipses, the best advice is to make no major moves, like changing job or residence or like signing iron-clad contracts. Same goes for Mercury retrograde. So until mid-July, the usual astro advice is doubled!

An active Aries Moon gets Monday, June 15, off to an energetic start. Try to cross as much off the to-do list early in the day. Because around suppertime ET it locks horns with obstructive Pluto. This is good for getting clear about inner motivations and blocks, but it’s best to avoid confrontations now.

An extreme quincunx between the Sun and Jupiter goads us towards excessive optimism on Tuesday. Fortunately, Luna moves into stabilizing Taurus helping us to take action towards greater security, both financially and emotionally. Night owls could experience a eureka moment, as the Moon snuggles up with ingenious, forward-thinking Uranus.

Wednesday’s outlook is quietly productive, with the laid-back Taurus Moon moving making easy-going sextiles to mental Mercury and spiritual Neptune late in the evening. It’s a good time to discuss feelings, or just seek enjoyment by puttering in the garden, binge-watching or meditating.

Mercury’s retrograde station at 12:59 am on Thursday, June 18, occurs in the reflective sign of Cancer. Until July 12, our communication and learning styles take on greater empathy. What’s in for a re-think? It all depends on where it hits in your chart. Matters usually up for review are home, family, personal security and sense of belonging. And in the current global context, we might want to consider how we can take the “we’re all in this together” spirit forward in a more inclusive and sustainable way.

There’s a kind of hush, as if time is standing still, in the leadup to the summer solstice and summer’s official start on Saturday at 5:44 pm ET. That’s because a powerful solar eclipse occurs the next day, Sunday, June 21. Although not visible from North America, it is nonetheless potent. It occurs at 0 degrees, indicating that this is indeed a fresh start, a new cycle. Yet a frustrating quincunx to Saturn, at the same degree as it will be when it makes the momentous conjunction with Jupiter in December, blocks current progress. We may have to trust that it is all a process, one that may take until the end of the year to fully manifest.

In the meantime, we might take our cues from Cancer: take extra good care of the folks you care about and delight in small comforts. Nurture your inner child. Make improvements, literally or figuratively, to your shell so you feel comfy and safe.

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