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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: July 24-30, 2023

A balmy and sociable astrological outlook bookends a week in which we feel an undertow, and if we choose to go with the flow can lead to deep and lasting change.

The Moon in equitable Libra helps us catch our balance on Monday and leads into a quarter Moon in Scorpio the next day. This brings our attention to the larger picture, which has Pluto squaring the lunar nodes of destiny.

Pluto is the planet of inexorable and complete transformation. It strips away dross and fluff, getting down to hardcore essentials. Pluto is about truth and digging relentlessly to find it, no matter how deep into the belly of the underworld it must go.

The lunar nodes are about what we should be growing into and what we should be leaving behind. Now on the Libra-Aries axis, the big question is how much individual freedom can you create in your life while still maintaining healthy relationships? Pluto squaring them, and so at the midpoint, creates an imperative tension that can lead to a major evolutionary step forward.

This week also lies in between an emotional Cancer New Moon in July and next week’s detached Full Moon in Aquarius. By letting the Scorpio Moon take us on a deep dive into our psyches we can emerge with new realizations that will take us forward.

Luna is still in Scorpio on Wednesday, July 26. As well, communicator Mercury is playing offsides with obfuscating Neptune. We may feel a strong need to communicate but find it frustrating when others miss the point.

Thursday’s outlook is best for being deep and heartfelt but at the same time positive and productive. A Mercury-Venus conjunction in Leo can draw us into exchanges that focus on expressing affection and appreciation. And with the Moon also goading these planets, some will be dramatic! By evening the Moon moves into party-hearty Sagittarius, lightening the mood for all.

The party is over by early morning Friday when the Moon squares off with first killjoy Saturn and then Mars in worrywart Virgo. We may be called to account for a past error. Or with folks on vacation, asked to take up their slack, leading to overwhelm. Some respite arrives come evening when Mercury moves into Virgo, a sign it functions best in. We’re able to cut through mental clutter and get our ducks in a row. And Mercury will be here for an extra long time, thanks to a retrograde next month.

The Sagittarius Moon gets the bit in its teeth come Saturday, heading off for outdoor adventure and sports or urban exploring, and good times with good friends. This is the optimal day of the week to let go and have some fun. And the best date night for both couples and singles.

By Sunday, Luna will be in subdued and industrious Capricorn. A relationship setback or disappointment could occur, or a social or arts outing will fizzle. All due to Venus’ inharmonious quincunx to Neptune. But a well-aspected Moon will help us shake it off. Aspects help make it an ultra productive day to work on big long-term goals.

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