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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: July 20-26, 2020

It can seem like déjà vu all over again, with this month’s second New Moon in Cancer. But unlike the first one on June 21, which was also an eclipse, this one can help us make sold gains in the weeks ahead.

This New Moon falls on Monday, July 20 at 1:33 pm ET. While the first one was at critical 0 degree, this one falls at the end of the sign at 28 degrees. This usually indicates a chance for a do-over. The major difference: The first signified profound inner work, especially on an emotional or survival level. This second one is directly opposed to Saturn, now closest to Earth and shining intensely.

New Moons kick off new cycles and are optimal for setting intentions. Now is the time to fire up the mood or vision boards and start a redesign of your life. Because it falls in the zodiac’s sign of home, regard it as a template for your life.

Also, come fall you’ll be back inside, perhaps because of a second wave. Saturn is good for getting real and setting both goals and the strategies to attain them. Also think about the ties that bind, and make any needed repairs there. With Mercury now direct in the sign, it’s easier to communicate our needs.

Starting Wednesday, July 22, you may agree with Gershwin that “life can be delish, With a sunny disposish.” That’s Leo comes out of his den for month-long strut down the catwalk, reminding us that all work and no play is not the way to go. It can help add a fresh burst of creativity and zest to your home redesign, be it literal or figurative.

Between now and August 22, it is much easier to access your inner child. Find as much time as possible to get that summer camp feeling: try something different, preferably creative, get out and have fun (and stay safe) with people you like.

On Thursday and Friday, a Moon in efficient Virgo helps us focus on the job. Friday can be particularly productive, with help available if we remember to ask for it.

On Saturday, July 25, luna enters relationship-minded Libra. This is a good day to lie low, though. For it tangles with both Mercury and Mars, both in signs prone to over-reaction. Tempers can flare, so be on the look out for road rage, too.

Sunday’s outlook holds some pitfalls, too. A need for perfection, either our own or a partner’s, may be at odds with the new vision that opened up earlier in the week. Focus on the positive, and remember that this will pass.

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