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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: January 29-February 4, 2024

We charge out of the gate ready for action, and the rest of the week holds plenty of room for both reflection and following our passion(s).


Uranus, planet of shock and surprise, spends its first full week direct in the sign of Taurus. As it gains momentum and the energy from last week’s Leo Full Moon begins to wane, our collective anxiety will gradually lessen as new horizons beckon.


On Monday, working smarter, not harder, is a breeze. For go-getter Mars and innovative Uranus are in ideal alignment. The red planet, now in hardworking and strategic Capricorn, can call upon the new ally for outside-the-box thinking. Result: productive and inspired actions. Sometimes Uranus can go mindless rogue, but Mars helps focus the impulse to reform within the system. Just keep in mind that Rome was not built in a day. So prioritize, get the most done you can, then take notes about other ideas for building your empire.


On Tuesday, the Moon exits industrious Virgo for cooperative and pleasure-loving Libra. Our focus shifts to relationships, public and private. But the Sun in semisquare aspect to foggy Neptune brings up neediness issues while offering few means to resolve. Highly romantic trends prevail come evening, and most of us will be proactive in cherchez-ing l’amour.


Wednesday, January 31, continues the uncertainty in our rapports. It’s not a good time to push any issues or schedule big discussions with our main squeeze, as petty squabbles can escalate. And if looking for love, maybe give it a rest until the weekend.


A void of course for most of the day on Thursday makes could make for an unproductive day. Emotional intensity begins to build late afternoon Luna dives into Scorpio’s deep waters. A square to Pluto ends the day on a contentious note, so it’s best to not schedule important meetings or discussions then. And watch for road rage in rush hour traffic.

On Friday, whether or not the groundhog sees its shadow, we’re more than willing to be cautiously optimistic. Still in Scorpio, the Moon forms its monthly quarter Moon phase. It is in the sign of transformation and introspective, squaring off with the Sun in visionary, community-minded Aquarius. Maintaining privacy against pressure to share may be an issue. So could realizing a passion in a way that contributes to the collective. Mental Mercury also forms a helpful aspect to inspired Neptune, helping us to find solutions that satisfy both mind and heart.


The all-clear sounds for love and romance on Saturday. It could start early, as Luna opposes Uranus, bringing an element of surprise. Most of the morning it makes nice with Mars, helping us to clear away a backlog of chores. And perhaps whistling while we work. By afternoon, it moves on to trine mystical and romantic Neptune. Some may find they have found a soul mate, others that a conduit to communing with the spiritual or creative side opens. The Moon’s final aspect before leaving Scorpio is with Mercury, indicating that the afternoon’s inspiration can be communicated, whether in words, writing or art.


Luna moves on to active and adventurous Sagittarius on Sunday. We’re ready to take charge and action early in the day.  But a contact with Saturn clouds the afternoon outlook.  We may experience delays or frustrations to our plans for a couple of hours. Accommodation and patience help us make the most of it. For all in all, we begin February feeling supercharged with dynamic energy, a trend that carries into the week ahead.

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