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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: January 18-24, 2021

Are you ready for (possibly revolutionary) change? This could be the week you find out.

The week kicks off with the Moon in assertive Aries on Monday, January 18. Because it forms mainly good aspects, its stance is much less hardline that usual. A conjunction with healer Chiron supports our self-care efforts.

The Sun leaves dour, backward-looking Capricorn for futuristic Aquarius on Tuesday at 3:39 pm ET. Think back to the winter solstice: did you catch a glimpse of a new normal that was much better than you anticipated? Now is the time to reclaim a wider future. Especially since thinking-cap Mercury, visionary Jupiter and put-the-hammer down Saturn are in the same sign.

Wednesday, January 20, is a day that has long been on astrologers’ radars because the US presidential inauguration is slated for that day. The planets Saturn and Neptune are in a tense semi-square aspect, indicating irreconcilable differences when it comes to truths we hold self-evident.

And with militant Mars in Taurus conjoining Uranus the revolutionary, a combo under which violence can erupt unexpectedly, heavy security for the ceremony seems more than justified. On a personal level, we would be wise to lay low that day, too. Why push your luck when others are acting erratically? The upside: Mars in a practical sign can give us an aha moment about what concrete steps we can take to further the greater good.

Thursday brings an island of relative peace. Luna is still in Taurus, and makes nice connections with both Venus and Jupiter. A baking binge is a likely outlet. As well, a desire to connect with loved ones and our creative spirit could lead us to gentler, more fulfilling pursuits.

Early morning verbal clashes could throw us off early on Friday. But harmonious aspects then prevail to make it a highly productive day. A Mars-Jupiter square is in effect that day and the next, though. Tempting as it is to agree with Oscar Wilde that “Nothing succeeds like excess,” it will only lead to a big handover, literally or figuratively.

Saturday, January 23 dawns with the Moon in chatty and sociable Gemini. A gracious Venus-Neptune sextile, exact in the early afternoon, infuses our connections with a sense of acceptance. And to find a romantic rapport with someone whose higher principles are in synch.

The mood shifts come evening, as the ambitious Sun links up with structured Saturn in Aquarius. If any damage control is necessary from earlier excesses, now would be a good time. It’s also ideal for reframing your reality along more realistic yet still forward-looking and positive lines, a trend that continues into Sunday.

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