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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: January 15-21, 2024

We start the day with the Moon in sensitive Pisces, making it hard to resist that “Blue Monday” feeling. There's a heaviness in the atmosphere heading into a cosmically pivotal weekend.

By Tuesday, Luna moves into dynamic Aries getting things off to a fast start. By the afternoon, impatience will be the prevailing emotion as the Moon squares off with Mars. We can get a lot done, but might not be in a good mood doing so. Rash decisions are not advised for the next two days.


Wednesday dawns with an off-kilter aspect between Mercury (thinking) and erratic Uranus at odds. we may get a wire crossed in communications or just find it hard to make our point clearly. Our minds are on other things late in the day, as Luna trines Venus in adventurous Sagittarius. Social or romantic interactions may need a physical outlet, not necessarily sexual. Or involve a meeting of the minds over a shared philosophy or world view.


We’re back to business on Thursday, January 18, as the Moon moves into stable Taurus. It’s a good day to get some plans on or off the drawing board. We can make contact in the afternoon with people who can lend tangible assistance. Or help us widen our network in a productive way.


On Friday, January 19, communicator Mercury and loudmouth Jupiter team up in stolid Taurus. This is an optimal day to put a big goal on paper or in a contract. Or, talk up a project that will get you a leg up the ladder. Articulate quiet confidence. The same day, love goddess Venus gets tangled in Neptune’s fantasy web. It’s an optimal day to lose yourself in creativity or binge-watching. We can be far too impetuous in romance, though, which can lead to a later disillusionment. Empathy is stirred, but careful of encouraging dependencies.


Saturday brings one of, if not the, year’s major shifts as Pluto enters Aquarius. But before doing so, it collides with the Sun while still in Capricorn. This illuminates with blinding clarity any issues from the previous long transit that began in 2008. Our experience depends on whether we leaned into the transformation it called for: If we made the changes, then our ambitions deepest sense of self will be empowered. If there’s still work to do, we will get a clear message. In any event, with so much heavy energy it’s best to lie low. Other people may act erratically depending on their experience.


The Sun heads into Aquarius at 9:07 am ET on Saturday for a four-week stay. Now that Pluto is also there, this can be an especially intense time in which new, life-altering insights and inspiration is possible. It’s time to act collectively and gather your allies; the community is where the positive action is. This sign is also about higher vision, but and knowing that it will take everyone working together to realize. It’s also the sign of friendship and inclusivity. And we can expect technology to further change our reality going forward.


By Sunday, the Moon will have entered blithe Gemini, which harmonizes with the Aquarian energy. It’s the sign of thinking and communicating, so it’s sure we will want to chat with at least one other person about any shifts that occurred over the past week.


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