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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: January 1-7, 2024

Happy New Year! The year gets off on a low-key yet hopeful and grounded note, with some reevaluating relationships and finances.


On Monday, January 1, the Moon in practical Virgo trines an ambitious Capricorn Sun. This can help us define our goals for the New Year and set our sights high. And maybe want to work on our day off! But it can also bring a counterproductive bout of self-criticism if we’re not careful. And with Venus squaring off with downer Saturn, a reality check when it comes to relationships, creativity or finances (or all at once) is almost inevitable.  Some reassessments are necessary to put things on solid footing.


But with retrograde Mercury stationing, about to go direct, it’s best to defer important decisions to a later date, as we’re not thinking or communicating clearly. The good news: All the indecision, confusion and miscommunications that the winged messenger’s backspin brings will ease over the coming days and weeks. All-clear day (when it leaves what is know as its Storm) is January 7. Revise and refine those goals until then and get ready to launch after the New Moon on the 11th.


 Back to work on Tuesday, the morning can be frustratingly unfocused with mental Mercury lost in Neptune’s fog. It’s best to ease into the usual routine and allow more contingency to complete projects. Breathe and be patient with others. We gain productive steam as the day rolls on, as the Moon contacts action-oriented Mars and then goal-driven Pluto. Harmony is restored in the evening hours once Luna shifts to gracious Libra.


Relationships are foremost on Wednesday, January 1, as the Moon is still in the sign of the Scales. But love goddess Venus is making an inharmonious aspect with excessive Jupiter. We may be too quick to rectify any problems identified when Venus clashed with Saturn on Monday and only make them worse. Overindulgence and overspending are possible consequences; moderation is the key to success now.


From Thursday on, any doubts about productivity are left in the dust as action star Mars charges into industrious Capricorn. This is one of the best places for the red planet hang out in. We have until February 12 to roll up our sleeves and make the most of this power placement. Let it ignite all those ambitions and goals left dormant; it’s time to rise in the ranks. This sign is all about strategy, so get going while still heeding the Mercury retro cautions.


The Moon moves into focused and intense Scorpio on Friday morning, making highly productive aspects all day. The trend continues into the weekend—until Saturday evening. Luna then opposes erratic Uranus, throwing and emotional monkeywrench. Any differences of opinion can rapidly escalate into showdowns where neither party is willing to back down.


A kinder, gentler trend prevails on Sunday morning, as Neptune beams soothing energy to the driven Moon. We can go deep into our emotions but in a positive, gentle even healing way. Late afternoon, Luna gallops into adventurous Sagittarius. A road trip or some other horizon-expanding activity like arm-chair travel or a museum visit, however brief, will feel just right.


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