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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: December 4-10, 2023

December gets off to a busy and social start with big shifts in relationships to come.

And it’s best to lean into the busy-ness and get it in gear when it comes to communications as the next Mercury retrograde period is coming in 10 days. In advance of the coming slowdown, we can use the winged messenger’s presence in the practical and strategic sign of Capricorn to complete any projects or initiatives that require logic. It’s time to get in those resumes or proposals and firm up any contracts.

On Monday, love goddess Venus leaves the level-headed sign of Libra and enters Scorpio, where it will remain until December 29. In this sign, relationships especially love ties become more enigmatic, passionate, sensual, and intense. Slumbering libidos tend to awake from any winter nap. Finances and values also take on an extreme edge and we may tend to go to extremes.

The Moon is in conscientious Virgo on Tuesday. It makes helpful alliances with other planets that can help us balance idealism with practicalities. Venus also trines Saturn, which helps us forge some helpful and lasting alliances.

We may feel more than a little foggy on Wednesday as Neptune, planet of Illusion and fantasy, ends a five-month retrograde. Over the next month we can gradually feel some confusion lift and feel more aligned with our intuitive side. A sense of emotional calm may return that helps us to set healthy boundaries with others. And increased imagination can help creative thinking and artistic output. A Moon-Mercury square impels us to rail against the fog and express ourselves strongly.

Clear thinking returns on Thursday, December 7, thanks to Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus. We can be cautiously optimistic as we problem-solve, brainstorm and find solutions that meet with all-around endorsement and prove highly effective in the long run.

Can you have too much of a good thing? We may be tempted to test the theory on Saturday, as the Moon enters Scorpio and Venus in that sign becomes locked in Jupiter’s embrace. Our desires can be supersized, leading to excess in romance or spending (or both). Or to a sense that no one or anything can really meet our needs. The duo can help the overly cautious achieve deeper intimacy, but the usual impulse is to take it too far with no way back.

Sunday is a great day to enjoy the soulful qualities of Luna in Scorpio. We might want to spend more time in mindful pursuits and mine the wealth of our psyches. And with Mercury’s impending slowdown, clear up any loose ends, emotional or practical.

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