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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: August 7-13, 2023

It’s all about love, love, love in a week that begins and ends on a serene note with a crescendo of excitement midway and a disappearing planet for a finale.

Monday dawns with the Moon in tranquil and purposeful Taurus. The pace slows and we focus on mundane matters. A sextile to Saturn in the morning helps us to execute, while later ties to communicative Mercury brings fruitful conversations.

The trend continues on Tuesday, but a clash with the Leo Sun could mean that egos are fired up. Mars is onside in the am, helping us to put the hammer down. Come evening, Luna conjoins erratic Uranus, electrifying the atmosphere in advance of Wednesday’s Venus-Uranus square. If you planned to get a radical new hairstyle, beauty treatment or cosmetic surgery then, consider cancelling. Results be surprising, even shocking--and likely not in a good way.

Venus craves closeness and in Leo keeps asking “what about me?” Uranus puts freedom above all else, and in Taurus can be irrationally stubborn. Think back to July 2 when the odd couple, both then direct, first squared off. This combo is also about creative change. I saw several couples with longstanding issues over personal space and boundaries achieve a breakthrough then. Trouble is the square aspect can be harsh and abrupt. It’s important to remember to be gentle and respectful. Sometimes taking a break can prevent a breakup.

Venus square Uranus can also turbocharge creativity. I took up watercolour painting in early July with a vengeance. I joined the loyalty program of an art supply retailer that is called…. the Creative Club! And it felt good and validating, Uranus also being about the hive. I imagine during the retrograde I will be deepening my practice. And perhaps setting a budget for all the pricey paper and such required.

By Thursday, the Moon has entered busy, chatty Gemini, helping to lighten the mood. But busywork can detail progress in the morning as it squares Mercury. The afternoon is more productive, but in the evening Luna clashes with Mars in Virgo, leading to “right fighting,” the need to be right above all else, and tiffs over the perfect way to do things.

On Friday, we’re in a fog most of the am with the Gemini Moon square Neptune midday. It’s not a good time to try to get clear about feelings. By evening, Luna seeks sanctuary in her home sign of Cancer. We seek solace in the bosom of home and family, a trend that continues into the weekend.

“The Lady Vanishes,” on Sunday, August 13, as Venus, now retrograde and an “evening star,” disappears from the sky. At the same time, the love goddess exactly conjoins the Sun at the same degree of Leo, an event that only happens every 584 days. During which we have a rare opportunity to rethink our relationships, values and prosperity. Perhaps start with a blank canvas then vision board, journal, paint, dance or write your ideal scenario. In this sign, it's essential to come from the heart.

This revisioning is important because a rebirth is coming soon! For next week the planet of love and beauty will reappear, this time as a "morning star," shining just before sunrise. But we won’t fully grasp the new possibilities before us until September 3, when Venus finally goes direct.

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