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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: August 17-23, 2020

Our mental synapses are firing on all cylinders on Monday, August 17. Mercury makes a productive trine aspect to action-minded Mars. Since both are fire signs, our communications will be rapid-fire and to the point. A good time to express your passion(s).

Mercury gets overshadowed on Tuesday by the showy New Moon in Leo at 10:42 pm ET. Our thinking may be a little self-centred and dramatic, but it is offset by generous impulses. With both luminaries in the sign of kings, it’s an ideal time to claim your royal right and get out and shine!

But don’t forget it is also a time to lay the groundwork for the coming month. Which should revolve around becoming star of your own life. Or initiating grand sweeping endeavours, especially creative or romantic ones. But an uncomfortable quincunx to Saturn makes us doubt. Is it right to make it all about me when there is so much suffering around me?

Yes, because this is a very powerful time cultivate self-love, through rituals or just a little royal pampering. Reaffirm your sense of self, because only when that is strong can you give to anyone else. A dynamic grand trine between the New Moon, Mars and the south node can provide inspired insights about exactly how to move forward.

The next day, Wednesday, August 19, the winged messenger move into earthy Virgo. It feels right at home there and will help us tone down the rhetoric. Communications move into a more practical direction with a “less is more” approach. This sign’s precision and love of detail can help us with things like budgets and bookkeeping, or rearranging our schedules for the coming season change.

The Moon is also in Virgo on Thursday, helping us to check a lot of items off the to-do list. The next day it shifts to relationship-minded Libra. It does oppose Chiron in Aries in the early evening, when it would be best to avoid touchy subjects with loved ones.

On Saturday, August 22, the Sun also enters the sign of the Virgin. I always find this coincides with that “la rentrée” feeling: summer is not over by the calendar, but psychologically we are winding down the joys of summer and gearing up for a return to the old routine. Under Virgo’s beams, we want to get organized and tackled projects that call for an ability to analyze. And if we fell into any unhealthy patterns over the summer, we can now get back on track.

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