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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: August 16-22, 2021

Clearer (and better) choices lie before us this week, with 5 planets in their home signs putting us on a surer path. But careful on the curves around the Full Moon!

On Monday, August 16, Venus slips into something Libra, a sign in which she is at her aesthetic and romantic best. Until September 10, the makeover urge ramps up when it comes to our décor or closets. What is paramount: that which adds beauty and flair. Trouble is, we may be so design-oriented and focused on upgrading that we neglect the bottom line. Overspending on life’s luxuries is a distinct downside of this trend.

In relationships, the love goddess is out to give peace a chance. New harmony is the endgame in all rapports, especially romantic ones. Sometimes, however, conflict cannot be avoided, and there is a fine line between being diplomatic and needless vacillating.

The Moon in fiery, get-‘er-done Sagittarius helps us shake the Monday blues, an energetic and optimistic trend that carries through the next day. But with two other planets making troublesome aspects to Pluto, people in charge may be put the brakes on any bid for personal freedom and call us to account.

Speaking of closets, Wednesday marks a conjunction of mental Mercury and action-oriented Mars. Both are in Virgo, the sign that loves to sort, categorize and organize—which sounds like the perfect combo for a clearout. The same goes for our health and daily routines. This is a good time to get out the calendar and make improvements.

Luna shifts to business-minded Capricorn on Thursday, August 19. On the same day, disruptor Uranus is at a standstill as it prepares to go retrograde. This can create an air of greater uncertainty and stir up groundless fears. But the Sun, still in courageous Leo, opposes Jupiter, upping our faith in the future and our own ability to cope with whatever comes.

The Moon enters innovative Aquarius on Friday, just as Mercury makes a flowing trine to Uranus. Creative solutions may be nothing short of genius that day. Mostly good lunar aspects prevail into the weekend, which is conducive to harmony, especially in social gatherings or group activities.

There is a heightened sense of urgency now, just ahead of the Full Moon on Sunday at 8:02 am EDT, which falls at a critical degree. Head or heart, which to listen to now? A conjunction with Jupiter means we may favour the former and err on the side of leaps of bind faith. It might be best to avoid snap decisions in the interest of wiser choices.

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