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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: August 14-20, 2023

Get ready to roar as a New Moon in Leo midweek brings a supercharged reset, a burst of confidence plus creative and romantic energy.

Excitement starts to build on Monday, as the Moon enters the Lion’s lair. We may find ourselves growing progressively restless leading up to the next day’s Sun-Uranus clash. Our leonine need to strut our stuff and playfully enjoy life comes up against the harsh pragmatism of Uranus in Taurus. Which brings out the worst, namely egomania, of Leo. Brace yourself for come narcissistic behaviour, touchy temperamental people and possibly some tantrums.

The Sun is in Leo, Uranus in Taurus. They are what is known as fixed signs, meaning they tend to stubbornly resist rather than bend with the winds of change. Shakeups can occur now, usually in situations where we have been avoiding the inevitable and now our hand is forced.

As always, we can find a way to work with the energy. We can choose to use the Sun-Uranus square to dramatically energize and embolden us rather than merely disrupt our lives with erratic, ill-considered choices. Try to avoid potentially volatile people and situations, keep your head down and hoe your own row. Then look at how you might live large a la Leo in the coming weeks: more fun in the sun and après, more romance, more creativity, more chances to shine on your chosen stage.

Then set those intentions in stone (or journal or vision board) on Wednesday, August 16. For at 5:38 am ET, a New Moon in Leo brings a cosmic reset, a shot of adrenaline to our self confidence and infusion of creative energy. Last week’s Lion’s Gate portal may have opened new vistas on what we need psychologically, spiritually or physically—to listen to the call of our heart. The New Moon provides the turbocharged impetus to get the ball rolling towards realtime reinvention.

Helping us keep it real is Mars in earthy, pragmatic Virgo. It also aspects Uranus, but in a helpful, conflict resolution kind of way. Mars in this sign can help us to get organized and set up a plan. A mutable sign, its gift is for looking at what is stale or outmoded and suggesting what improvements can be made. The red planet’s partnership with the side-spinning one brings off-the-chart creative solutions.

On Thursday, Luna has taken up with Virgo, which should make it easier to tend to mundane matters, like work or chores. But come evening, it trines Jupiter, making us restless in a good way, wanting to explore new possibilities.

The weekend outlook is both social and romantic, what with the Moon moving into Libra on Saturday morning. It makes mostly positive aspects both days, helping to create and easygoing atmosphere and plenty of bonhomie. We may find the adrenaline burst experienced during the week has ended, though, leaving a decided hangover.

For the Leo Sun has moved on to form an uncomfortable quincunx with enervating Neptune, urging us to take as much time as possible to relax and recharge. Staying aligned with our purpose may prove a challenge, too. This aspect can bring doubt and feelings or futility. But we can also look back and express appreciation for all we’ve manifested so far. And hold fast to what the spark initiated earlier in the week ignited, a new guiding light.

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