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Writer's pictureSusan Kelly

Weekly Horoscope: April 25-May 1, 2022

There’s a kind of hush in the leadup to Saturday’s solar eclipse, promising of exciting realizations and times to come.

Eclipses mark a time when the usual flow of cosmic energies channeled by the Sun and Moon are disrupted. Especially since they always mark a big reset in life priorities that can last six months or more. Around them, no wonder, we can often feel a bit off or even anxious when dealing with day-to-day life.

This solar Eclipse in Taurus, however, acts like a fairy godmother sprinkling positive vibes all about her. So even though life can have that kind of freeze-frame quality, as if things were happening in slow motion, we can look forward with positivity. Best use of this time: assess how you can get your feet on solid ground and the paths you want to take in the months to come.

The week gets off to a great start for intuitive or creative types. The Moon in Pisces conjoins energetic Mars while sextiling the Sun. Tuesday’s aspects are even better, with the Moon making nice with innovative Uranus and mental Mercury liaising with expansive and optimistic Jupiter. A highly productive day!

The trend continues into Wednesday—but only for very early risers. By noon, Luna has entered feisty Aries. It’s best to find a physical outlet in exercise or work under this influence. Keep in mind big changes are coming and try to have more patience in the present.

Focus is easier to come by on Thursday, April 28, thanks to a trine between Mercury and intense Pluto. It’s a good time to clear the air through productive conversations. Speaking of communications, the next day Mercury, the planet that rules all forms, enters the voluble sign of Gemini. Until May 22, our brain synapses are firing on all cylinders! We're mentally nimble and able to articulate with ease. But take copious notes, because as soon as May 10 it will begin its retrograde cycle.

Also on Friday, Pluto begins a long retrograde phase. Power plays will be fewer or at least less obvious. If you have any residual soul searching to do, the retrograde phase can help you do a deep dive.

On Saturday, April 30 at 4:28 pm ET, the year’s only New Moon in Taurus gets supercharged as a solar eclipse. And there are no challenging aspects to rile the peace-loving Bull. Which means its easier to access this sign’s gifts, like material stability and growth, sensual gratification and just enjoying life's simple pleasures. A conjunction with Uranus can bring a breakthrough, a creative solution to a longstanding dilemma or vision of what your new reality could be in an ideal world living with a joyful heart. A conjunction of Venus and Jupiter promises fresh starts and new bounty in anything to do with love, compassion and creative efforts.

This is an optimal weekend to set intentions about heart desires. It could be finding a new life partner or career path—whatever calls to you as bringing true fulfilment. And while the usual advice is to avoid making any live-altering decisions around an eclipse, this one could be exception. But with one caveat: only if you can act on it immediately. Because as soon as May 3, Mercury enters its pre-retrograde phase. And we’ll begin to feel the effects of the next eclipse, a lunar one on May 16, which will not be favourable.

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